I have always wondered why we didn’t exist as Angels rather than man. Then as Angels we can all just sing and praise God at all times
Because no constant can bring eternal joy. Simply, they could get bored.I have always wondered why we didn’t exist as Angels rather than man. Then as Angels we can all just sing and praise God at all times
One privilege we humans get that the angels do not, is the gift of the Eucharist.I have always wondered why we didn’t exist as Angels rather than man. Then as Angels we can all just sing and praise God at all times
I don’t know, but it would have been nice.I have always wondered why we didn’t exist as Angels rather than man. Then as Angels we can all just sing and praise God at all times
You will have eternity to sing and praise God at all times after you die, well… or at least you have a shot at spending eternity singing and praising God for eternity if you don’t end up seperated from him for eternity. You may get a state where you simply need a period of time out to take a spiritual shower to cleanse yourself before entering the eternity of worshiping God state at all times without end.I have always wondered why we didn’t exist as Angels rather than man. Then as Angels we can all just sing and praise God at all times
Hoping to what? Your life happend. You can’t take it back. Are you saying that your life as you lived it had nothing in it even though you credit your existance to God and that it is his will you did… are you saying that your life up to this point would have been better if you had simply had the same option of angels who from the moment of conception onward had one singular duty in life for eternity?yes, hoping to Strawberryjam:heaven:
I haven’t watched the Noah movie I hoped you liked it. I’ve been meaning to get around to watch it. Good Question about Lucifer and if the angels sin and have free Will. The parable comes to mind about your statement of the sinful man that returns. The parable of the prodigal son. The prodigal son sins. The prodigals son’s brother is righteous but becomes jealous and is gently rebuked by the father when he is told that he has everything in his kingdom. Yes, there is something familial with God and Man in todays Christianity.God like it when people improve themselves and become more saintly.
In the bible, God says that heaven is happier when a sinful man come back than when there is a saintly man who already closed to God.
But I have a question, do angels have free will? Can angels sin? Because in the past Lucifer sinned.
. That why free will of human is important in glorying God.
I watched a lot of different versions of the Noah movie and they were all goodI haven’t watched the Noah movie I hoped you liked it. I’ve been meaning to get around to watch it. Good Question about Lucifer and if the angels sin and have free Will. The parable comes to mind about your statement of the sinful man that returns. The parable of the prodigal son. The prodigal son sins. The prodigals son’s brother is righteous but becomes jealous and is gently rebuked by the father when he is told that he has everything in his kingdom. Yes, there is something familial with God and Man in todays Christianity.
It seems to me 5x that, in the beginning, Angels did have a choice of free Will as in Lucifer and his cohorts, before being sent down to the Fires of Hell. Today, I can only believe that Angels follow instructions from the Higher Power: God. It seems to me even today Angels may have free Will. They may be given a task and find a way or their way to get it done. Such as a boss who delegates to his subordinates.I watched a lot of different versions of the Noah movie and they were all good
BTW, do you think angels have free will?