Why do I always see odd numerical patterns every time I look at a clock

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Its been very odd lately when I look at the clock and am always greeted with 11:11, ,9:11, or 7:11.
I have been seeing these all the sudden after asking for an answer to questions very personal to me.
It was not until then which all the sudden now I’m seeing these numbers 50% every time I look at the clock.
I tried looking it up, but “a sign that your making a tough decision” or some other crap that sounds like conspiracy just doesn’t sound right.
I’m not nieve to the fact that the influence of my actions can be guided by spiritual forces but I’m wondering how I can try to understand what it means before I assume its answering something.
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I used to always see 9:11 too. Don’t know why. Probably just coincidence.
This is not uncommon. It is nothing to worry about. You have an internal body clock that is working with and for you. I often do the same and so do countless other. Peace
This happens to me too, esp. seeing 11:11 or 9:11. It could be that when we look at the clock at other times, the numbers have no significance to us but ones like 9:11 do, so we take particular notice of them.
Maybe you just love numbers.

11:11 repetition
12:34 arithmetic progression
12:48 geometric progression
12:35 Fibonacci series

I once saw this and thought there was a problem with my phone: 🤓

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Two things:
  1. Our brains are wired to find patterns, even where none exist.
  2. You see waaayyyyy more times that are NOT those numbers, but they aren’t significant to you, so you don’t make a mental note of it.
Personally, my favorite times to catch are sequential (e.g., 2:34), or significant years (e.g., 12:12, the year St Clare joined St Francis), or have mathematical interest (e.g., 12:36 because 1+2+3=6, and 1x2x3=6).

But for every number I catch at the “right” time, there are probably a dozen “insignificant” times that I forget the moment I no longer need the information.
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Maybe you just love numbers.

11:11 repetition
12:34 arithmetic progression
12:48 geometric progression
12:35 Fibonacci series

I once saw this and thought there was a problem with my phone: 🤓

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That’s hilarious! 😂
It just happens.I would ignore it.My son asked the same kind of questions last year and I think Gertie hit the nail on the head about patterns.
Also,it happens when we learn a new word,meaning or name…suddenly it’s cropping up everywhere …or not .It was there all along but now we notice because we’ve payed more attention to it.
@Phantomfields I would say to myself,it’s no big deal .
If I learnt about Narwhales suddenly I would hear it on the news,conversation,read this n a magazine I picked up .Interesting,but not of significance.
God bless.
Thank you for all of you opinions, its cool to see that its possible to prove it from natural causes.

Though this is the true question which is very odd to me. and for right now for the purpose of logic, If you could, give me your conclusion. Now I know we all have opinions but it seems there is a lot of controversy. And there’s one last thing which truly caused me to write this question.

The one thing that is odd is that the only time I look at my clock is as soon as I finish my work in morning. I always check the time right after and I finish but the time that I start shifts by hours each day. Though now every time I look at the clock it always has a pattern. (Its Digital for reference) but its strange because there only 5 minutes in the entire day that I even can possibly see them and they are all separated by large gaps. Its hard to explain how extreme it is just because its not very logical but…

Though growing up I learned that we have guardian angels and that they influenced our decisions. It wasn’t till the past year that I have been incredibly close to God because of personal problems which I was going through. So Im wondering if its possible that a free willed outside influence (that knows the time) is causing me to finish at specific times? This seems odd but It has become so apparent now It makes me anxious just talking about it.
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So you’re asking if frequently seeing the same time on a clock could be God speaking to you?

I cannot imagine how that would work. God’s not gonna send you unexpected messages in a secret code.

If you’re looking for a message from God, read scripture. Pick a number between 1 and 150, and read that Psalm. Quiet your mind and heart, and pray through the Psalm. You might be surprised by how God speaks to you through His Word.
You know what, I guess that’s true. I’ve just been so caught up in things I just wish there were some simple way that I could understand his orders. I Guess we all just long to talk face to face, it would be much easier.

Thank you
I remember in English class looking through a dictionary and the words I found just happened to be the ones the teacher used as she addressed the class. It happened about three times in the same lesson but never again. ??

Also before I left Australia to live in Asia I was enjoying a drink at a restaurant with my brother and the music seemed to have a message especially for me. It was sort of soothing because I was not sure of the move to Asia and leaving home. (5 years ago now).

Of course I thought it was just a co-incidence and when my brother wanted to finish I asked to listen to one last song as a bit of a test, asking for God to send me a clear message. The song was by Sting and it was Fields of Gold.

At the time of listening I thought the lyrics “Fields of barely” was “Fields of Bali” and I left feeling my message arrived loud and clear. Bali just happened to be my first port of call that I was travelling to the next day.

Sometimes life is weird.
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Your reading way too much into a natural function of your internal clock It is like setting your alarm to wake up a certain time and then after a while you don’t need to set the clock. If you are accustomed to looking up at your clock at regular time…well, then you are bound to see the same numbers ‘time after time.’ Cange your patterns a bit and don’t obsess over it. Peace.
Lol, its no worries. Its kind of a normal thing now, always being mixed up.

I think Gods just trolling me. 😛
Making me question myself… What a butt.
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