Why do people love the Psalms?

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Apart from one or two I don’t see what is love some people have for the Psalms, I prefer the Gospels; am I missing something?
Maybe it’s because all of life’s highs and lows seem to be there and people can relate. There’s also some neat prophesies about Jesus there, and I like reading those.

I myself don’t spend too much time reading Psalms. I prefer Proverbs. and like you said, the Gospels, or the whole New Testament.
The Psalms are best sung, my friend

Give thanks to the lord for He is Good
They would probably the least that I use in the Bible. The reason being Psalms are more like verses for songs, which if you do not know them by heart, they would not come to your mind easily. To me, the other parts of the Bible are easier to remember because they have some kind of story line.

I use the Psalms more in praise and worship, and in writings, because of the many beautiful verses about praising God and the prayers of the psalmist.

I think Psalms are beautiful if one knows how to use and appreciate them.
The Psalms express every emotion – joy, sorrow, fear, anger, you name it – and offer them to God. They teach us to pray honestly and openly – we can offer it all to God. Jesus himself prayed with the Psalms and I consider it a privilege to be able to pray as he did and as other people have for thousands of years.
Well, I would imagine it comes down to differing tastes. The Bible, after all, is written in a number of different styles. So while I do enjoy reading the Gospels, the Psalms are my favorite book in the Bible because it’s a style of writing that appeals to me more than the way the Gospels were written. The Psalms are poetic, and they run a wide range of human emotion. It’s comforting, when I am feeling low, for example, to turn to the Psalms and find prayer there that succinctly describes how I am feeling; I feel less alone, knowing that others have trod a similar path before me. Plus, sometimes it’s hard to find the words for what you feel or want to express, and the Psalms provide you the words for those prayers.

Keep in mind, too, that Jesus prayed the Psalms. So while maybe they are not your particular preference, keep an open mind when you read them, and let them enrich what you glean from the Gospels. Just some food for thought.
They’re generally pretty short, people hear them sing during mass a lot (music can be a powerful vehicle for faith), there’s a psalm for almost every emotion or circumstance, the poetry is beautiful (not objective, but I think most would agree), and there’s a lot of them.
I like them in a Benedictine Monastery Context. They sound quite beautiful, even if some lyrics sound quite disturbing.
I love poetry, so for me the Psalms are near the top of my list of favorite Bible books. They are a heady blend of poetic beauty and unshakeable faith, with lashings of high drama and an unmatched range of emotion. Off now to read some of them!
The Psalms take me out of my tiny little world and help me pray for others.

Several of the Psalms speak of deep physical and spiritual suffering. When I read those, I pray them for those who are suffering real, physical persecution for their faith. Or I pray them for those suffering from physical hunger and illness.

There are over 7 billion people on this planet, and the Psalms remind me of that somehow.

@Reuben_J There are many Psalms that tell a story. And there are many that don’t sound anything like a song, at least in my opinion.

My favorite is Psalm 73. It contains this magnificent passage:

21 And so when my heart grew embittered
and when I was cut to the quick,
22 I was stupid and did not understand,
no better than a beast in your sight.

23 Yet I was always in your presence;
you were holding me by my right hand.

What an awesome prayer! “Lord, I’m an idiot, yet somehow you still love me.” 😅
The whole Psalm is awesome though. I highly recommend it. :+1:t4:
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I love the Psalms because they remind me that I am human and that’s ok with God.

The Psalmist is so human. At different times he is angry with God, sad, dispairing, joyful, you name it, but through it all he still praises God.

Honestly, I never appreciated them until I started praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Now, they’re just utterly beautiful to me.
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I’ve always been meaning to read them but life is so hectic…but I love them because Jesus quoted them often. He read them, He “wrote” them, He’s in them.
I love the Psalms. Growing up, we would read five each day. For example, on the first day of the month, we would read Psalms 1, 31, 61, 91, and 121. On the second day of the month, we would read Psalms 2, 32, 62, 92, and 122, etc. That way we could read the whole book of Psalms each month.

When I am joyful, the Psalms sing my delight.

When I am overwhelmed, they express my sorrow.

When I feel indescribably close to God, they tell of how intimately He loves me.

When I am ready to give up on God, they teach me about hope.

There’s always new beauty and truth to glean from the Psalms and the other poetical books. I also love Song of Solomon and Isaiah for those reasons.

For those who enjoy poetry, the Psalms are like a direct golden chain leading up to Heaven.
What a beautiful post. I am always encouraged to know people who find the word of God beautiful and to pray them. Yes, the psalms speak to the hearts because the psalmists cried and opened their hearts out, very much like us at times. Thank you.
I can remember when I was around 7, memorizing Psalm 100 for a “contest” at my grandparents church (was there for vacation.) The Sunday School classes had the whole summer, but I did it in one week so I could win a Bible. Many, many years later, it is still a great reminder of our joy in Christ and His creation.
I like how there are a bunch of theological things you can come up with from certain verses and like someone already mentioned the prophecies are a nice touch too. The musical aspects of the song are noteworthy.
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