They both exist for a reason and they both serve a good purpose.
Really? What’s your take on the nuclear arms race? And do you think Putin would agree?
And i’m not sure that theology as a discipline is completely devoid of a need for philosophy since we have to make intelligible sense of what we believe.
Well, okay, I was speaking of philosophy with respect to evangelization, yet you took it in the absolute religious sense, which wasn’t what I really meant… If God (Theology and Religion), created the world (including the people who created all its many Philosophies), then - since God doesnt need man, or since man serves God, you’d have to set philosophy as subservient to God, not to the other way around…
The basis of what I said was…
It’s obvious a Priest is going to need to know external belief systems in order to evangelize people with respect to counter-cultural issues between our faith and the beliefs of others.
But the language and phraseology in the article is too breezy and colloquial to really be heeded without criticism from both Catholics - and more sadly - more disciplined secular philosophers, alike.
Competing “philosophies” exist, and many can be done without. Hence, yes, we have a need for diplomacy.
But dont let the fact that just because something is intelligible (i.e. can be perceived), reasonable (makes sense) - deceive you. When we judge by appearances, then, something may make intelligible and reasonable sense - but it could also just be a flat out lie serving a bad purpose.
You are naive, but well-intended. I admire your goodness of soul. But just take care - when evangelizing sinners - recall an old episode of Andy Griffith…
Once Andy arrested a gang of four highly dangerous, most wanted crooks, and he put them in jail.
Barney Fife decided to rehabilitate them while they were in jail. To do so, Barney bought them: a woodworking set, a leather working set, a metalworking set and a Mr Potato Head.
Barney then ran an errand.
As soon as he left, they used the metal kit to make a key, and they escaped.
So… In religious terms, adore Jesus, who is the highest wisdom, and you will be a great philosopher… It doesn’t take a PhD…
And, yet, when you observe
Luke 16:8-9… just dont forget that the unjust steward was fired for a reason…