I am very sad that my sister - who has left the Catholic Church thinks I only talk of the church and not of Jesus. The going attack against Catholics by Protestants is that we do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. That is incomprehensible. The entire focus of the Catholic Church is Jesus. It is the church that he founded. I will focus on talking more about Him when I speak to her. I do not know how she can buy into this when our mother was totally devoted to Jesus. Her life was an act of sacrifice to Him. She stayed home and stayed married and raised 7 children in the Catholic Faith. Just staying married until her death is an act of sacrifice - which I know she did because of her faith. She taught us that divorce is a sin. Many times when we were young, our Dad had to work long hours from 9 am til 9 at night and she was stuck home for days and weeks with a house full of little children. If you do not think that is sacrifice try it sometimes. She devoted her life to Jesus. Toward the end of her life, when my younger brothers and sisters were school age or teenagers- the eccumenical movement was strong and she tried very hard to include the protestants , not be judgemental and never said anything bad about other religions- in so doing I think some of my siblings think she was not totally Catholic, but she was. Sacraments were very important to her, we all received them all. She went to Eucharistic Adoration and believed that only in the Catholic Church is Christ truly present in the Eucharist. It hurts to see my siblings buy into this feel good philosophy of the protestants, where sacrifice and sacraments play no role or a very minor role. They say once saved always saved. With that philosophy- you are saved whether you sacrifice or not, do good or not - so what is the difference. If you look in the Bible , which they use as the only reference, Jesus did not say that.