Why do protestants say Catholic's do not relate to Jesus but only to rules?

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I am very sad that my sister - who has left the Catholic Church thinks I only talk of the church and not of Jesus. The going attack against Catholics by Protestants is that we do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. That is incomprehensible. The entire focus of the Catholic Church is Jesus. It is the church that he founded. I will focus on talking more about Him when I speak to her. I do not know how she can buy into this when our mother was totally devoted to Jesus. Her life was an act of sacrifice to Him. She stayed home and stayed married and raised 7 children in the Catholic Faith. Just staying married until her death is an act of sacrifice - which I know she did because of her faith. She taught us that divorce is a sin. Many times when we were young, our Dad had to work long hours from 9 am til 9 at night and she was stuck home for days and weeks with a house full of little children. If you do not think that is sacrifice try it sometimes. She devoted her life to Jesus. Toward the end of her life, when my younger brothers and sisters were school age or teenagers- the eccumenical movement was strong and she tried very hard to include the protestants , not be judgemental and never said anything bad about other religions- in so doing I think some of my siblings think she was not totally Catholic, but she was. Sacraments were very important to her, we all received them all. She went to Eucharistic Adoration and believed that only in the Catholic Church is Christ truly present in the Eucharist. It hurts to see my siblings buy into this feel good philosophy of the protestants, where sacrifice and sacraments play no role or a very minor role. They say once saved always saved. With that philosophy- you are saved whether you sacrifice or not, do good or not - so what is the difference. If you look in the Bible , which they use as the only reference, Jesus did not say that.
I am very sad that my sister - who has left the Catholic Church thinks I only talk of the church and not of Jesus. The going attack against Catholics by Protestants is that we do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. .
We have the most personal relationship with Jesus that anyone can have because we have the Eucharist. Who else can receive Jesus and actually carry Him with you!
You may want to share a truth with your sister that she never seemed to understand: Christ is the Church. **Col 1:18 He is the head of the body, the church. **When Catholics speak of their love of the church, it is the same as speaking of their love of Christ. And remember, not all protestants teach once saved always saved. And they see good works as a “natural” outflow of a relationship with Christ, instead of a daily choice to pick up your cross and follow Christ.
Hello sharonvanecek,

If your sister is talking about why we carfully observe the Law meaning the Commandments, it is because this is what Jesus taught us to do in order to love Him (have a personal relationship with Him) and share eternal life with Him. The Protestants, (who focus on their misunderstanding of St. Paul’s writings), throw out Christ’s teachings to obey the commandments as the path to loving Him and eternal life.

Please visit www.ILOVEYOUGOD.com to see a vast collection of scriptures which display Jesus’ and the Father’s teaching on accomplishing love for Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit (God) through obedience to the Commandments. Possibly you and your sister can discuss these scriptures.

**NAB JOH 14:21
"He who obeys the commandments he has from me is the man who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father. I too will love him and reveal myself to him."

NAB JOH 12:44

Jesus proclaimed aloud: “Whoever puts faith in me believes not so much in me as in him who sent me; and whoever looks on me is seeing him who sent me. I have come to the world as its light, to keep anyone who **believes **in me from remaining in the dark. If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I am not the one to condemn him, for I did not come to condemn the world but to save it. Whoever rejects me and does not accept my words already has his judge, namely, the word I have spoken it is that which will condemn him on the last day. For I have not spoken on my own; no, the Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to speak. Since I know that his commandment means eternal life, whatever I say is spoken just as he instructed me.”
NAB MAR 10:17

As he was setting out on a journey a man came running up, knelt down before him and asked, "Good Teacher, what must I do to share in everlasting life?" Jesus answered, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments:
’You shall not kill;
You shall not commit adultery;
You shall not steal;
You shall not bear false witness;
You shall not defraud;
Honor your father and your mother.’"

**NAB 1JO 5:2
We can be sure that we love God’s children when we love God and do what he has commanded. The love of God consists in this: that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome.

NAB JOH 8:36
**Whoever believes in the Son has life eternal. Whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure the wrath of God.
**Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
To follow Jesus don’t you have to follow some rules. His rules?:confused:
The church and Christ are ONE. For the church is his body. You cannot separate Christ and the church. To have a spiritual relationship with Christ is to receive the sacraments of the church. To say there is “another way” is pure nonsense. I know, I was a Baptist for 30 years. Baptists say, come forward, up an aisle and pray the sinners prayer and ask Jesus into your life. That to evangelicals is how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. But none of this is biblical.

All one is doing is acknowledging Christ, repenting and asking Jesus to forgive them of their past sins. But the bible claims MUCH MORE. We must receive baptism to be actually born again and to receive the remission of sins. We are also commanded to confess our future sins(penance) so we can be forgiven of FUTURE sins. And then we are to “break bread” together which is receiving Christ at communion or the Eucharist. Christ, himself said UNLESS you eat of my flesh and blood you have NO LIFE within you. Strong words eh?

All these things are NECESSARY for our salvation. Not just belief and repentance and reciting a sinner’s prayer. Evangelical salvation methods are a distortion of what Christ and his apostles taught and I consider them heresy altogether. And you should to.

Ron from Ohio
The post Vatican 2 church has the easiest rules to follow perhaps in church history. We might have it a little to easy.

What you have in protestantims is the lack of authority to inforce any rules. How many divorced protestansts are refrained from communion? This practice would be strongly supported by scripture but they ignore such discipline.
Simply the church founded by Christ had the power to bind and loose the church founded by men has no authority and thus no ability to enforce rules. Notice the Archbishop of Cantebury can’t even stop the ordination of practicing homosexulas in the liberal episcoplain branch.
If the church is our Mother she has to enforce rules what Mother has no rules? Well your kids will end up in a lot of trouble with such a mother. Unfortunately a lot of spirutal orphans in protestant churches will be in spiritual trouble as they are not being disciplined. Jesus said he will not leave us orphans. Orphans make up thier own rules children with loving parent don’t make up thier own rules but are disciplined for thier own well being.
Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” That’s why we follow his rules.

The Church is the Body of Christ. He is the head, we are the members. We view it as a reality, not a metaphor. That’s why we love the Church. It is Jesus’ presence in the world today.

St. Paul calls the Church “the pillar and foundation of truth.” (1Tim. 3:15)

We receive Jesus personally in the Eucharist. We receive his personal forgiveness in the sacrament of reconciliation.

I’ve never met a devout Catholic who didn’t have an intensely personal relationship with Jesus.
and i quoted from david currie :" even taste and touch are used to worship god every sunday. i taste the body and blood of christ. i believe it is christ’s body on the authority of his own words". santa maria madre de dios ruega por nosotros.
it is just as inaccurate to say "Protestants say that . . . " or “Protestants believe that . . .” and make a generalized statement about the belief, actions or sayings of one non-Catholic, and attribute it to all Protestants-- as it is to say "Catholics say that . . . " or “All catholics believe that . . .” and make a generalized, unsupported statement based on the belief, activities or sayings of one Catholic.
it is just as inaccurate to say "Protestants say that . . . " or “Protestants believe that . . .” and make a generalized statement about the belief, actions or sayings of one non-Catholic, and attribute it to all Protestants-- as it is to say "Catholics say that . . . " or “All catholics believe that . . .” and make a generalized, unsupported statement based on the belief, activities or sayings of one Catholic.
Exactly. I agree.

Who are we to talk on behalf of others, as if we know exactly the teaching of their church more then they do.

We can say what “I” believe “this” and “that”, and why “I” disagree with “this” and “that” without having to put unreliable labels on others, as if to create “sentiments” instead of building an argument. Those unreliable labels are nothing but “boxes” that has separated humankind based on “semantic” and “misunderstanding” along the history.
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