Many people, I fear, live their entire life chasing after vanity, always feeling just one step away from lasting happiness. What makes us want so much junk in hope of gaining happiness? How much pride, for example, can a proud person feel, thinking it will result happiness just before overdosing on their sinful folly?
Do watching commercials cause us to want? Or are the marketers just wasting their time and money. What does it mean in modern day to sell your soul to Satan? I believe there is a strong motivation floating in the wind in having us do just that. Sin can be so very subtle.
Yeah, I think advertisings is powerful. If it couldn’t at least sway opinions, then companies wouldn’t be spending millions of dollars on it. It teaches us to associate products with happiness without our being aware.
Then, there’s society, keeping up with the Jonses. Movies teach us, a culture of materialism.
For myself, I don’t own a car. I haven’t had a car for the last 3+ years. I went another times 4 years without a car. I live in a city, use my wheelchair to get where I need to, generally, a cab if not. I generally don’t miss a car, because it’s an expense. Then, where do you park it? Do you have to pay for parking? Then, there’s insurance, registration, inspection, maintenance, the possibility of getting into an accident, something that seems to increase yearly with more and more cars on the road. There are tires…snowtires in some places.
You have to wash it, clean inside. It’s extra work, extra hassle. Then, there’s traffic. I rarely deal with traffic, fortunately, despite being in a city.
One can save a bundle by not owning a car, but there would need to be good, reliable transportation. Once I get my legs fixed, I plan to be back on the buses.
Even if I had millions of dollars, I hope I wouldn’t run out and buy cars just for the sake of collecting. To me, that’s an incredible waste. I hope I would own just one home. If I wanted more, then get homes for family or friends, not home after home for myself. I hope I wouldn’t let money go to my head like that.