Why do you feel called?

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This question is really intended for those who feel that they are called to Holy Orders, whether as a sister, brother, priest or deacon. Of course, if you feel (or felt!) called to the Sacrament of Matrimony, or even to bachelorhood, feel free to answer!

I’ll start: I feel called to the priesthood for several reasons. Most importantly, I feel that the Lord is calling to me to become an instrument through which He can celebrate Holy Mass. Why do I feel this? Or better worded, perhaps, how do I know I feel called, rather than thinking that the Mass is neat and fulfilling…and that’s it? Because I cannot participate enough. It may sound simplistic, but I believe that the Lord wouldn’t give me such a devotion to His Mass if wasn’t calling me to work for Him. Does that make sense to anyone?

I am going into Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary (Archdiocese of Philadelphia) in August. I have a twin brother who is in there already. It took me a little longer to decide, and I can definitely relate with what you’re saying. I love participating in the Mass. Eventually, my participation extended into the parish community, until I got to the point where I was focusing more time and energy to the Church than I was to college. No matter how much time I spend there, I am always willing to do whatever is asked of me. I truly feel at home at church, and realized that, since I was already devoting my life to Church, I may as well jump right in!

What I was waiting for was a strong, driving wind and a deep voice to come from the heavens saying, “Just go, already!” Of course, it never came. The decision is a jump of faith, but, at seminaries like Saint Charles, you’ll be in an environment where you’ll be able to discern and find out just what God is asking you to do. There will always be points when you’ll doubt your vocation, but you have to remember that Satan goes right to the top. He’ll do anything to prevent you from giving glory to God. Just something to keep in mind.
This question is really intended for those who feel that they are called to Holy Orders, whether as a sister, brother, priest or deacon. Of course, if you feel (or felt!) called to the Sacrament of Matrimony, or even to bachelorhood, feel free to answer!

I’ll start: I feel called to the priesthood for several reasons. Most importantly, I feel that the Lord is calling to me to become an instrument through which He can celebrate Holy Mass. Why do I feel this? Or better worded, perhaps, how do I know I feel called, rather than thinking that the Mass is neat and fulfilling…and that’s it? Because I cannot participate enough. It may sound simplistic, but I believe that the Lord wouldn’t give me such a devotion to His Mass if wasn’t calling me to work for Him. Does that make sense to anyone?

This makes perfect sense to me !
Even though I’ve not the privledge to be called to the priesthood ( perhaps as a Deacon , since I am married. Who knows ?) I am participating in the mass weekly as a Cantor, one who leads the singing. Now, to some, it may not seem a big deal, but for me it just seems so RIGHT , because I know that’s the gift God gave me, the gift of song. It sounds like to me that God is showing you how RIGHT it is for you to have a devotion to his Mass. I think that’s just outstanding, and I can’t encourage you enough to follow your goal of becoming a priest.

God Bless
Yes, I understand what your saying. I have a desire to give God glory and to serve Him in any way possible. He brought me to the Mass daily and may be calling me to do something for Him, maybe priesthood, but I’m am not sure. How to discern a vocation?
Yes, I understand what your saying. I have a desire to give God glory and to serve Him in any way possible. He brought me to the Mass daily and may be calling me to do something for Him, maybe priesthood, but I’m am not sure. How to discern a vocation?
The best thing I can tell you on how to discern a vocation is to pray and ask God to you the grace to discern and to get a spiritual director. I have to stress that you should not just take the first one, but really look for a good spiritual director. St. John of the Cross said 3 things will lead you to sin. 1. The devil 2. Yourself. 3. A poor spiritual director. A good one will guide you along your path not direct you along their path
As you can see by my signature I like Carmelites. I hope to hear any day now that I will be accepted into their formation program. I once heard a Carmelite speaker say that the Pope likes dead Carmelites better, because keeps beatifying and declaring them saints than he likes living ones. I on the other hand have never heard of or met a Carmelite that I did not like. The “call” for me started years ago, back when I was in high school. I remember telling a girl that I was dating that I might become a priest one day and she let me have it. The moral there is never tell someone that you’re dating that you might be a priest someday especially while you are driving down the Highway. I left my faith for some years and never follow up on the calling I felt. A couple of years ago I came back to the church faithfully and the voice that heard way back when came back and took me on a beautiful journey to the Carmelites. I feel the need to serve my fellow man in a special way a way that I do not feel I can now as a lay man. I am more active than I have ever been in my parish. I know it is not an easy Life. I have lost a few friends (guess they never were) because of my choice to pursue a more religious life in Carmel. I also know that God can give me more in one second than any friend real or not could give me in a life time. Peace and May God be.
That sounds really awesome. The Jesuits was the order I was thinking of being a part of. I heard of someone being in the Novitiate stage of the Jesuits and they went on a pilgrimage to New York City for 30 days with very little, and they were to stay at Catholic Charities, and basically live off of nothing. That sounds like a pretty awesome oppurtunity, but not only those smaller oppurtunities but to live a life completely surrendered to God.
I don’t really know how do you know you have been called. I know from experience that, praying is always good. God has a lot of plans for you but, it’s up to you to do God’s will. Since my experience is very simple. I love to serve God’s work in Church. I love working with the youth at church. I’m involved in youth ministry, and in many cases, I serve sometimes. I use to be an altar server, now I’m a Eucharistic Minister, anyway, some people told me that, they see me more as a priest then married but, I won’t give up on my vocation.
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