Why do you or don't you go to Mass and Confession?

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I was just wondering why you do or don’t go to Mass and Confession. I go to Confession and Mass because it gives me the graces neccesary to get through the rest of the week.
I go to confession to clear out the clutter and be strenghthened to walk a straighter path. I think I would spin out of control if I didn’t go to mass. There was a time in my life that Jesus’s love of me was so evident when I went and it was what got me through. Now it is more of a place where I know what I am there to do, and I do it. It is a quiet place with no demands that are too great. Worship is easy compared to so many other of life’s things. Of course, I have faith that there are graces at mass that keep me going, but they are less obvious than before.
I go to mass because it’s the greatest prayer of all. It’s where we receive the Eucharist, which is the whole point of mass.

I go to confession because I like to have a clean soul. When I die, I would prefer to spend as little time in Purgatory as possible. I always feel better after confession. The priest usually has some good advice to give. Christ speaks to me through the priest.
I go to Mass because it’s the most wonderful place in the world to be. Spiritually, because there is nothing better than being in the presence of Christ with your brothers and sisters. I love to sing there, to pray, and to receive Holy Communion. I’d go everyday, all day if I could.

I go to Confession because I love being cleansed of my sins. I love having the feeling of absolute purity when I leave the Confessional, knowing that I have been absolved from my sins. Plus, Confession helps keep me from sinning. If I’m tempted to do something bad, I just think “I’m going to have to confess this. Do I really want to have to go through the pain and embarressment of telling someone that I did this?” The answer is usually “no”.

I love Confession because I choose to love Confession. Before I became a Catholic this past year, I just decided that I was going to love the Confessional because I was tired of everyone complaining about how difficult it was and how they didn’t want to do it.

Mass and Confession are two of the Lord’s greatest gifts. I couldn’t live without them. I go to Mass at least once a week, and Confession at least every two.

Scout 👋
i go to mass because it’s heaven on earth. if you haven’t read ‘lamb’s supper’ by scott hahn, i highly recommend it. i’m a convert (from a baptist background) and i loved the mass dearly, and go to daily mass almost every day, even before i read that book. it deeply enriched my mass experience when i read it.

i go to mass to be with Him.

i go to confession to get the ‘stuff’ out of the way between God and myself, and to be able to partake fully in mass.
I go to mass to join and participate in the wedding feast of the Lamb. (Lamb’s Supper - good book)

I don’t go to confession and abuse God’s forgiveness.

I do go to confession once I have examined my conscience well enough and sincerely repent from my sins. (and this could take a while) That I may be worthy to be forgiven. 🙂
The more I attend mass and confession, the better I feel about myself and it increases my spirituality. Unfortunately, I can only attend mass once during the weekday on Wednesday afternoons. I always fulfill my obligation on the weekend. I can’t wait until tomorrow, I need the graces, had a bad day today.
I go to Confession every oppurtunity I have, unfortunatly thats less than once a month.

I go to Mass Daily. Its given me strength to overcome my troubles. It has given me the courage to face my fears and given me the power to do the impossible.
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