"Why does being Catholic matter..?"

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“I can have a perfectly fine Christian experience in my Lutheran/Episcopalian/Baptist/other denomination church”

When talking about the Catholic Church, I get this response very frequently. I have one friend who insists the Catholic Church has some sort of superiority issue by believing She is better than other denominations…

I typically respond by explaining it is not a superiority issue, but insead following 2000 year old Scripture and Tradition. Sometimes I explain the Catholic Church teaches Peter was given the keys by Jesus and Apostolic Succession…that Jesus gifted us the 7 Sacraments and I would love for my friend to experience the Sacraments Jesus gave to us…


Lately it just seems to be popping up more and more as I become more involved in interfaith dialogues on my college campus. I try to always, always, always respond really charitably and with love. I do not think I have ever offended anyone thankfully.

Just wondering how everyone else would approach this question? I just need a fresh take on the issue.
The Catholic Church was created by Christ at Pentecost. The Protestant churches were created by men.

The Catholic Church has all seven sacraments instituted by Christ. The Protestant churches have only baptism and matrimony; and only have valid matrimony if they accept Christ’s teaching against divorce and remarriage.

Protestants as individuals may be better Christians than many individual Catholics but there is no comparison regarding the validity of churches.
“I can have a perfectly fine Christian experience in my Lutheran/Episcopalian/Baptist/other denomination church”
Church is not about what humans want or enjoy, it is about Christ.

Reminds me of the old line: “The Protestant church is the best one to live in. The Catholic Church is the best one to die in.”
Jesus Christ created the Catholic Church. It is our inheritance! This Church He blessed us with lived, taught, and wrote down the New Testament. She compiled the Bible, protected it, and gave it to the world! Where would you be with out the Bible?

Remember, when ever you read the words, “the Church” in the new testament Bible, they are referring to the Catholic Church.

This Church built the first hospitals, schools, and invented the scientific method. She brings to mankind the Sacraments, Apostolic succession, Sacred traditions, and the Teaching Magisterium of the Church. Who is better to teach what the Bible means, then the Church that first lived it, then taught it, and wrote it down!

No man can ever hope to aquire the knowledge of God in his life time that the Catholic Church has aquired in over 4000 years of relationship with God! (2000 years with Isreal, and 2000+ years after Jesus came.)

Other Churches love God, they have a portion of the truth, and seek to do many good things, but why you settle for less when you can have the Church that Jesus created for you?

John 6:53 Jesus said to them, “Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life with in you.” Are you saved if you do NOT have life with in you?

1 Timothy 3:15 “…you should know how to behave in the household of God, which is the Church of the Living God, the pillar and bulwork of the truth.” (the support, and foundation of the truth) The Bible teaches that the Catholic Church is the support, and foundation of the truth! If you seek the truth, you seek the Catholic Church. If you seek the Church of the Living God, you seek the Catholic Church.
“I can have a perfectly fine Christian experience in my Lutheran/Episcopalian/Baptist/other denomination church”
I agree if you remove the word “perfectly”…👍
When talking about the Catholic Church, I get this response very frequently. I have one friend who insists the Catholic Church has some sort of superiority issue by believing She is better than other denominations…
I typically respond by explaining it is not a superiority issue, but instead following 2000 year old Scripture and Tradition. Sometimes I explain the Catholic Church teaches Peter was given the keys by Jesus and Apostolic Succession…that Jesus gifted us the 7 Sacraments and I would love for my friend to experience the Sacraments Jesus gave to us…
Yes - this is about the only thing you can do with such a response. The problem is that too many people (including many Catholics 😦 see the Church as just another “denomination” - which of course it is not.
Something that you can perhaps interject is the idea that many many converts from protestantism have stated that they never felt that they had to leave anything (worthwhile) behind…but rather…moving forward into the Church was a fulfillment for them.
Lately it just seems to be popping up more and more as I become more involved in interfaith dialogues on my college campus. I try to always, always, always respond really charitably and with love. I do not think I have ever offended anyone thankfully.
Just wondering how everyone else would approach this question? I just need a fresh take on the issue.
Being that this is college - there is of course a lot of “learning” going on and a LOT of distractions. Some truly great conversations and debates can be had.
Of course the first thing is to know your own faith so that you can answer questions.
Second suggestion I would offer is to read things (and/or watch videos) of and by people who converted. What things effected them? What questions did they have? What misconceptions did they hold?..What answers did they find that helped them?

By learning from Catholic converts from different traditions it might help you get a sense of approaches and responses that you might find useful in your discussions with friends. I like to listen to episodes of “The Journey Home”. You might find them helpful as well.

That said - it appears that you are already doing a great job. Live the best Catholic example you can. Learn the faith and present the Truth in Charity.

I agree if you remove the word “perfectly”…👍

Yes - this is about the only thing you can do with such a response. The problem is that too many people (including many Catholics 😦 see the Church as just another “denomination” - which of course it is not.
Something that you can perhaps interject is the idea that many many converts from protestantism have stated that they never felt that they had to leave anything (worthwhile) behind…but rather…moving forward into the Church was a fulfillment for them.

Being that this is college - there is of course a lot of “learning” going on and a LOT of distractions. Some truly great conversations and debates can be had.
Of course the first thing is to know your own faith so that you can answer questions.
Second suggestion I would offer is to read things (and/or watch videos) of and by people who converted. What things effected them? What questions did they have? What misconceptions did they hold?..What answers did they find that helped them?

By learning from Catholic converts from different traditions it might help you get a sense of approaches and responses that you might find useful in your discussions with friends. I like to listen to episodes of “The Journey Home”. You might find them helpful as well.

That said - it appears that you are already doing a great job. Live the best Catholic example you can. Learn the faith and present the Truth in Charity.

Something I find helpful is “The Vortex” and other online programs from “Church Militant.tv.” Some people might find Michael Voris a bit “In your face” at times but the material on most of the shows is quite good.
The Catholic Church was created by Christ at Pentecost. The Protestant churches were created by men.

The Catholic Church has all seven sacraments instituted by Christ. The Protestant churches have only baptism and matrimony; and only have valid matrimony if they accept Christ’s teaching against divorce and remarriage.

Protestants as individuals may be better Christians than many individual Catholics but there is no comparison regarding the validity of churches.
Many Protestant churches have more that baptism and matrimony, including communion.
** “Why does being Catholic matter…?”**

Because outside the Church there’s no salvation…

…how do you like those apples?
Before I became interested in the Catholic Faith I took Communion at least twice that I remember. Once was at an independent non-denominational Protestant church and the other time was at a United Methodist church. Both times, the whole act was merely symbolic, not the Real Presence of Christ as Catholics understand the Eucharist to be.
=llenadegracia;10261603]“I can have a perfectly fine Christian experience in my Lutheran/Episcopalian/Baptist/other denomination church”
When talking about the Catholic Church, I get this response very frequently. I have one friend who insists the Catholic Church has some sort of superiority issue by believing She is better than other denominations…
I typically respond by explaining it is not a superiority issue, but insead following 2000 year old Scripture and Tradition. Sometimes I explain the Catholic Church teaches Peter was given the keys by Jesus and Apostolic Succession…that Jesus gifted us the 7 Sacraments and I would love for my friend to experience the Sacraments Jesus gave to us…
Lately it just seems to be popping up more and more as I become more involved in interfaith dialogues on my college campus. I try to always, always, always respond really charitably and with love. I do not think I have ever offended anyone thankfully.
Just wondering how everyone else would approach this question? I just need a fresh take on the issue.
The entire issue is “ONE” [this is the symplystic and quick answer]

Because there is only One God

That One God can; does and must have only One set of Faith beliefs. God who is perfect simply cannot hold contradictory positions on the same issues.

Because the same CC was the only church founded by God; protected by God and warrnatied for its truth by God we can know it;s Gods WILL.

No ther christian church even existed for more than 900 years after Jesus Founded His One God
One Faith and One Church

And that too is provable.👍

God Bless you,
pat/PJM here on this Forum
Many Protestant churches have more that baptism and matrimony, including communion.
James, from the point of view of the apostolic church, the Protestant churches have only valid baptism and matrimony because they are the only sacraments which do not require a valid bishop or priest in apostolic succession. Protestant communion ceremonies are only symbolic.
James, from the point of view of the apostolic church, the Protestant churches have only valid baptism and matrimony because they are the only sacraments which do not require a valid bishop or priest in apostolic succession. Protestant communion ceremonies are only symbolic.
Even then, many Protestant churches don’t call baptism and marriage sacraments. Rather they are called ordinances.
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