I am not a visionary nor a locutionist both of whom I would consider “knowers” while I fall more into the norm of “believer”. I believe in the witnesses and miracles of the saints, of Fatima, etc. I believe Scripture foretells of Jesus throughout all of History. And I believe in the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
And so I strive to spend my days devoted to good deeds and seeking to love God more through prayers being mindful of His Law as taught by our Church.
But sometimes I get so frustrated because I feel so blind. All good deeds and how I do them are just guesses. Picking which prayer I say and how I say it are also guesses. When someone asks me for spiritual advice, my answers are just guesses. I feel like a bumbling fool. I don’t know what people really need, I don’t really know what action and how it is performed pleases God because God doesn’t speak to me.
For example, if I asked my earthly father for help on a project in the garage, he would come down with me and give me moment by moment feedback to help me get it right without letting me bumble excessively. And if he did let me bumble, he would only do so after giving me the exact steps to carry out the task.
It sure would be nice if God were to be that way with me when I need help with a quick simple decision and to know from his feedback immediately what I was doing right or wrong.
So why does God emphasize believing as so fundamental to Christian Discipleship? What is its value if as disciples we end up being good-hearted, bumbling half-wits not really knowing what we are doing and how we are doing?
And so I strive to spend my days devoted to good deeds and seeking to love God more through prayers being mindful of His Law as taught by our Church.
But sometimes I get so frustrated because I feel so blind. All good deeds and how I do them are just guesses. Picking which prayer I say and how I say it are also guesses. When someone asks me for spiritual advice, my answers are just guesses. I feel like a bumbling fool. I don’t know what people really need, I don’t really know what action and how it is performed pleases God because God doesn’t speak to me.
For example, if I asked my earthly father for help on a project in the garage, he would come down with me and give me moment by moment feedback to help me get it right without letting me bumble excessively. And if he did let me bumble, he would only do so after giving me the exact steps to carry out the task.
It sure would be nice if God were to be that way with me when I need help with a quick simple decision and to know from his feedback immediately what I was doing right or wrong.
So why does God emphasize believing as so fundamental to Christian Discipleship? What is its value if as disciples we end up being good-hearted, bumbling half-wits not really knowing what we are doing and how we are doing?
Jesus said to him(Thomas), “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” - John 20:29