Why does God allow me to blindly raise my children?

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I understand that God answers all prayers, but sometimes His answer is “no”. I also understand that God answers prayers in His own time.

What I don’t understand is when you are praying for something selfless such as for wisdom to raise your children according to God’s will or so that they can glorify God why He leaves you blank, empty, & without answers. I know that it’s God’s will that my children grow up godly, & I also know that I cannot do this on my own. I’ve known this since my first child’s birth yet I feel that God is allowing me to flounder. Why? What purpose does that serve? I pray every day throughout the day but don’t feel I’m any better at being a mother than on day one.
I understand that God answers all prayers, but sometimes His answer is “no”. I also understand that God answers prayers in His own time.

What I don’t understand is when you are praying for something selfless such as for wisdom to raise your children according to God’s will or so that they can glorify God why He leaves you blank, empty, & without answers. I know that it’s God’s will that my children grow up godly, & I also know that I cannot do this on my own. I’ve known this since my first child’s birth yet I feel that God is allowing me to flounder. Why? What purpose does that serve? I pray every day throughout the day but don’t feel I’m any better at being a mother than on day one.
It might be that God is answering your prayer. By being more mindful of how you are raising your childen. He is giving you the chance to reflect on the way you are raising your children and giving you the chance to put into practice what you have found to be your strengths and weaknesses. I hope this makes sense?
I pray every day throughout the day but don’t feel I’m any better at being a mother than on day one.
Don’t answer this if it’s too personal, but do you pray in front of the children, or hide yourself away ?
The reason I ask is because sometimes example is more powerful, than being told what to do.
I learned more from looking at what older people did in Church, than I did by being told what to do. (just me ranting,) sorry 🙂
Dear friend

I have found that when I pray and God does not send me an answer either way then He is telling me to continue as I am. Maybe when the time is right and God only knows when the time is right, He will guide me into another way of dealing with things, but until then if He is silent I know I am on the right path.

It’s only when our conscience goes crazy niggling at us so much we cannot rest that the Holy Spirit is telling us we most definitely are on the wrong path. This is explicit indication. You have to discern between your own worry and the voice of the Holy Spirit as sometimes we can feel the absolute weight and responsibility of parenthood and become over anxious. If all is silent and it is just worry from your own self and God is not concerned with how you minister to your children, then you, dear friend are on the right path with your lovely family.

I remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and He repeatedly asked the Father to take this suffering from Him and God the Father was most silent, Jesus pleaded with His Father but asked for His will to be done and the Father remained silent. Jesus knew His Father’s silence was His confirmation that Jesus was to continue and take up His Cross.

When Jesus was baptised God the Father expressed His delight and spoke. God speaks in our lives by consolation and sometimes through other people or spiritual reading etc etc and He is asking you presently to continue as you are and trust in His Holy Will for you when you look back in hindsight at your perseverance He will console you in His love , you being the daughter He is well pleased with…He is asking you to endure dear friend.

I replied to your other question concerning your daughter last night and now I truly believe you are questioning whether you have taught your daughter well or not…I can assure you that if you live your faith as well as practice Mass attendance and pray, then you are giving your daughter everything to teach her about the faith. Just answer her questions as they arise after a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit. I ask God everyday to re-confirm me in my faith and help me to be a good mother everyday, I also turn to our Blessed Mother Mary to help me to be a good mum. You dear friend are being a good mum and evangeliser of the faith. Don’t let the temptor cloud your thoughts with worry and unsettled thoughts and feelings to cause you and your family to feel insecure in your practice and growth in the faith, this is typical of that old dog satan.

God will not ever ever let you flounder. Continue to seek His Holy Will and God will let you know what He wills for you and for your family either by silence or by explicit indication.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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