Why does God want this from us?

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Why does God want us to be good all the time? God gave us freewill, but if we follow his instructions, only there will we find peace. We are created in His image and our bodies belong to him. It is difficult to understand Him. I can see why people want to live without God or decision. It seems like you have more freedom to make your own choices.
Why does God want us to be good all the time?

Because only then will we find peace.
Why does God want us to be good all the time? God gave us freewill, but if we follow his instructions, only there will we find peace. We are created in His image and our bodies belong to him. It is difficult to understand Him. I can see why people want to live without God or decision. It seems like you have more freedom to make your own choices.
God Himself is pure righteousness - never lies, never fails, keeps His promises, and is always thinking of His creatures. As such, it is impossible to get into heaven unless we too are pure righteousness.

But He has put us in a fallen world as a test - will we take the broad and easy road as many do, or the hard and narrow one as few do?

People who want to live without God ultimately take the broad and easy road, in most cases. And that choice is reflected in society - murder, rape, high rates of divorce, free and easy fornication, corruption, scandals, fraud, war, abortion, school shootings, pornography, prostitution, lying, domestic violence and all the rest.

That’s why Christ said His Kingdom is not of this world. This world is passing away, so choices which belong to the alleged freedom of this world will pass away with it.
God has allowed us to chose him or ourselves but in order to have true freedom one would chose God. Is a train more free or better of if it decides to go off its rails? Nope, in fact it can not move at all (borrowed analogy not mine (train/fish). Is a fish better off if it decides to jump out of water, more free? Nope, it can hardly move cannot breathe and soon will surly die. If one has been in the dark so that he can not see evils his hands have wrought and then turns towards light, leaving behind evil, is he not more free? Is he not more free being able to see darkness and light more clearly?

God Bless
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