Why does this happen to me?

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Hi there.

Has anyone any thoughts on this:

I try to follow Christ well, be faithful to Him and His Church.
I pray; read Scripture; read lots of books; and follow almost everyword and movement of our great new Pope, Benedict XVI.

But I also suffer from bouts of depression, panic attacks, intense loneliness and as you may see from another thread - impulse buying.

It doesn’t matter how much resolve I have to follow Christ, I can’t be a good Christian. It seems there is always something that I can’t resist and fall down somehow. I have been following Christ for 10 years now and progress seems very slow!

I know we all have sins, but it seems sin is always with me and I am always repenting and confessing.

Anyway, what advice would you give to someone who zealously desires to follow Christ faithfully, but always finds something to bring me away from him - whehter this be depression or loneliness etc.

Is the Christian life supposed to be this struggle?
Everyone has crosses they must carry and many suffer from depression and lonliness. When I am depressed, the thing that helps my spiritual life not suffer is meditation on the Divine Mercy Jesus and praying the chaplet of the Divine Mercy. I would also recomend confession as frequently as you can go, and praying to your patron saint and gaurdian angel to ask for their prayers and intercession.
That’s the beauty of our faith. Every time we fall (and it is very often) God helps us get back up again and keep going.
meditation on the Divine Mercy Jesus and praying the chaplet of the Divine Mercy.
I will do this. Thank you for you reply. God bless.
That’s the beauty of our faith. Every time we fall (and it is very often) God helps us get back up again and keep going.
Yes it is amazing. God’s mercy is stronger than our sins. His mercy endures forever.

Thanks for your reply. God bless.
Please, whatever you do, don’t give up. I have been where you are and I have come through the other side, so to speak. **Just don’t let yourself get so discouraged that you leave the Church because you think that you are beyond redemption. **

As Andrew suggested, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Don’t forget the rosary.

Also, don’t be afraid to pray to your favorite saint(s) to intervene on your behalf. Many of the saints suffered the very same vexations that we all have. You may find one who is the patron of your particlar issue(s). It sometimes takes a long time (months, years even) for prayers to be answered, but they are.
It sounds like “we” might be able to help. Why don’t you come visit our support group? The Bipolar Club, in the Water Cooler, has lots of people that like to talk about their faith and how it interacts with their emotions.

You don’t have to be bipolar or otherwise wacko to join!

Keep on going my friend. Imagine what you would be like if you did not do these things.
Please, whatever you do, don’t give up. I have been where you are and I have come through the other side, so to speak. **Just don’t let yourself get so discouraged that you leave the Church because you think that you are beyond redemption. **

Thank you for your words of encouragement. That is a very difficult temptation, to allow the discouragement to influence you so much that one thinks there is no point trying. But that will not happen with me, I may not feel very good at the moment, but the Faith really is everything to me.

God bless.
It sounds like “we” might be able to help. Why don’t you come visit our support group? The Bipolar Club,
Hi Alan. Thanks so much for your reply. Yes, I’ll check out the Bipolar Club.

God bless.
Dear Law Student,

There are already some very good replies, to which I can’t add much, but I can tell you that I have struggled with a particular weakness for many years, and prayed hard for strength. I’m starting to cultivate a relationship with my patron, St. Joseph, and I recently finished a nine-day novena to him, and so far, I have been able resist the temptation to fall back into that weakness. I truly believe that the intercession of this glorious Saint has broken a tight hold satan had on me, and your patron, if you have one, can do the same for you. I’ll pray for you as well. I hope this helps.

I’m starting to cultivate a relationship with my patron, St. Joseph, and I recently finished a nine-day novena to him, and so far, I have been able resist the temptation to fall back into that weakness. I truly believe that the intercession of this glorious Saint has broken a tight hold satan had on me, and your patron, if you have one, can do the same for you. I’ll pray for you as well. I hope this helps. JU
Thanks for your reply. I’ll include St. Joseph now in my prayers to Saints.

God bless.
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