Why doesnt EWTN have a true apologetics show?

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I have been pretty deep into Catholic Answers Radio and I have been able to listen to shows on my mp3 player every day for the last 9 months or so.

I realized the other day there isnt any true CA type shows on ETWN. The closest thing they have is The Journey Home which everyone here is probally familar with.

I think that people would bennefit with a show that answers questions about the faith. I understand that Web of Faith somewhat addresses this, but I dont think it provides answers to attacks on the Church and how to defend them.

I would like to see something like Akin or even John Martinoni do a show on ETWN that addresses attacks or anwers "tought questions " that people ask.
I know what you are talking about. They have had shows dealing with myths about the papacy and other such issues, however.

It might be hard to have such a program, knowing that no matter how many times a question is answered on air, it will come up again and again, as it does here and no doubt does on radio programs.

Putting on TV programming is more expensive, after all. It may be they feel the money is better spent explaining Church teaching and airing religious and cultural programs.

But, maybe no one at EWTN has seriously considered it. Why not contact them and suggest such a program? 🙂
I’ve suggested at least twice that EWTN should place cameras in the CA studios, like some morning talk-radio shows do and show it on TV. But those CA apologists are so camera-shy!! 😃
That is a great idea about putting some tv cameras into CA radio. Until I had a real reason to purse Catholic Apologetics because of questions posed by my wifes Baptist friends, I was a nominal Catholic. I know lots of Catholics who cant defend the faith and that really bothers me.
Don’t let this bother you too much more, but I don’t defend the Faith. I just live it as best I can. That’s the best way to communicate it. Apologetics always make me feel like there’s a desperate need to defend it. There shouldn’t be.
I have been pretty deep into Catholic Answers Radio and I have been able to listen to shows on my mp3 player every day for the last 9 months or so.

I realized the other day there isnt any true CA type shows on ETWN. The closest thing they have is The Journey Home which everyone here is probally familar with.

I think that people would bennefit with a show that answers questions about the faith. I understand that Web of Faith somewhat addresses this, but I dont think it provides answers to attacks on the Church and how to defend them.

I would like to see something like Akin or even John Martinoni do a show on ETWN that addresses attacks or anwers "tought questions " that people ask.
I know what you mean. We do need more programming like this.

The apostolate my husband and I volunteer at is trying to change all that, but it is a slow process to get stuff out there.

I know you are in another state and can’t get the show on your local networks, but you CAN go out and listen to the podcasts of the shows. Go to: www.catholictelevision.org and click on the box for the podcasts. Excellent topics for Catholics who are trying live and defend The One True Faith (the name of the tv show too!)

You can also purchase any of the shows on DVD.

Hopefully this will be helpful to you. And you can always give the staff a call and ask questions there, they are always happy to help in any way. The toll free number is on the home page. 🙂

To the OP. I’d love to see that too, but it would suck so bad that they’d just have to cancel it or they’ll lose a LOT of Catholics because they’d get owned so much. If they make a show like that, they’ll need a lot of quick thinking people who really know their stuff, and be able to withstand the bombardment.

You know, they have online services where you can ask apologetics a bunch of questions, but when you really ask the seriously tough ones, no BS wimpy questions, it takes forever, even weeks to get an answer, and when you do get an answer, it’s not even a real answer. My dad knows from experience, any tough question about a certain miracle would receive the response, “Oh, well… that’s not an official church teaching.” as will many other questions.

But seriously, I’d call on there almost every single day, just to mess with them.
Fr Trigilio is pretty good/…

But they really could do more… like weekly “Stump the Apologist” call in or live audience.

Even the host could be different each week… or a panel of apologists… each week with a different topic - Mary, Authority, Sola **, etc.

And they could tape the shows, and sell the CDs… probably make enough to pay for the show.
EWTN radio has a number of apologetic shows
I suggested televising Open Line or Catholic Answers
That format is inexpensive and works well for Mike and The Mad Dog WFAN NY and YES TV
also it worked for Howard Stern
I think the whole network is apologetics…or like going to theology school. I learned more about my faith from that netwok than anything. I don’t concur with you. All in love and kindness

A call in apologetical show is probably better suited for a radio than TV format. Who would want to “watch” apologetics, afterall. Well, unless you made it funny. Literally put the guy on a stump. Maybe with a light shining on him like he’s being interrogated hard. He gets no resources, only can sit there twiddling his thumbs and stammering to come up with the right answer. The “heresy police” would get to come in and drag him out if what he said didn’t correspond with their preferred articulation. Off he goes to be burnt at the stake. In comes the next victi… I mean contestant.
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