If natural law is the law written on our hearts as St. Paul writes, wouldn’t everyone agree with it? And yet, so much of humanity even argues over things that would normally considered to be natural law. Why is this? If it’s “natural”, shouldn’t it also be obvious? (Most of the examples that I see of natural law seem to be no-brainer laws, like prohibitions against suicide, overeating; promoting the right to protect your goods.
Can you think any examples of what we would call natural law that so much of humanity just doesn’t “get”? (Homosexuality or the procreative purpose of sex is an easy example).
So again, my question is two-fold:
Can you think any examples of what we would call natural law that so much of humanity just doesn’t “get”? (Homosexuality or the procreative purpose of sex is an easy example).
So again, my question is two-fold:
- Why wouldn’t all people agree with natural law, given that it’s “natural”)?
AND - What are some examples of laws that we consider natural but that are commonly disputed?