BUT, you’ve only quoted lawyers and politicians, with little understanding of the problem.
Unfortunately you haven’t provided any proof against the facts.
No they have agenda, to win elections. The don’t even attempt to get at the truth as Norwood’s positions clearly illustrate.
Honestly, to address the issue concretely with some credible sources.
Actually they were most closely connected to the Republican Party. President Bush’s plan is very close to what they recommend.
Agreed. However, in this study, their sources were indeed prominent experts in the field. Compare and contrast their methods and expertise to the politicians you support. These politicians should be seeking expert advice instead of dealing with the issue based upon their own prejudices and self-serving goals. They gain personally.
But on what basis do you disagree. Where are they wrong in this study?
Now you are getting silly.
Just as I predicted you automatically reject any views that differ from yours. And then you belittle those with other views as being incompetent and not understanding the “facts” or the “problem”. Your rantings prove nothing and change nothing other than to demonstrate a very bias view.
Most associate the Cato Institute with Libertarianism, now you claim they are Republican. You are more hung up on the distinction than I am.
The point is that the Cato Institute is a partisan organization with an agenda and is not the “non-partisan group” that you claim. Their credibility should be viewed with that in mind.
It is my guess that even though the Cato Institute is apparently your latest hero you do not give “Carte Blanch” support to everything they say. They seem pretty conservative.
Yes I disagree with the position expressed in the reference you posted.
I do not know how I can express my position more clearly than I have done previously. But, here again - - -
I believe solving our illegal immigration problem will have at least two phases.
The first phase is stemming the flow of illegal immigrants from any and all countries and at all points of entry. I think we should utilize various means such as barriers, more rigorous enforcement of our laws, greater surveillance, better inspections and/or other processes to achieve this. I would like the efforts to not only catch and return those attempting to achieve illegal entry but also to send a message of discouragement to would be illegal immigrants so they will rethink their plans and decide not to attempt illegal entry to the US.
The likely second phase will be to address what to do about the illegal immigrants already in the US. I believe that granting any sort of amnesty would be a disaster and should be avoided completely. There should be no “free lunch”.
First, all illegals should be photographed, fingerprinted and provide a DNA sample, for positive identification and to be included in a permanent record.
Then one approach might be that any application for legal status by a current illegal immigrant should be made from the country where they have citizenship or legal residence. They voluntarily return and then they apply.
There could be a fine of maybe $1,000 per year for every year they resided in the US illegally. All applicants should also have to pay all income and self-employment taxes due on their earnings while in the US illegally. No application for legal entry should be considered until all fines and taxes have been paid to the satisfaction of the US government.
There could be a waiting period before applications are considered. This might be 4 years for illegals in the US for less than 1 year and who voluntarily return to their country (there is already a 5 year waiting period for anyone deported). Then, on a sliding scale, a 3 year wait for illegals residing in the US from 1 to 5 years, a 2 year waiting period for illegals residing in the US for 5 to 10 years and 1 year for illegals residing in the US for 10 years or more.
There could be a reasonable period of time provided, maybe 1 year, for the illegals to get their affairs in order and arrange their return to their country. Registration as well as payment of fines and taxes could be done or started during this adjustment period and/or completed after they depart.