Why evangelize when everyone has the info?

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I’m just wondering. If everyone has access to the information about Jesus in the developed and developing nations through the internet or the library or the tv then why do we need to evangelize? It’s kind of a devil’s advocate question more than anything. They can google the Catholic Church and find out everything, they can come to this website and read all of it. So, why do we need to evangelize anymore in the first world and even in the developing nations?
I’m just wondering. If everyone has access to the information about Jesus in the developed and developing nations through the internet or the library or the tv then why do we need to evangelize? It’s kind of a devil’s advocate question more than anything. They can google the Catholic Church and find out everything, they can come to this website and read all of it. So, why do we need to evangelize anymore in the first world and even in the developing nations?
Evangelization and catechesis are two very different things.

I teach in a Catholic school where the kids have been catechized for at least 9 years - yet very few have been evangelized.

To put it in different language - I know the Red Sox exist. Do I care about them? Do I follow them? Am I passionate about them?

Nope, not at all - I follow the Red Devils - Manchester United!😛 *

Someone’s going to have to introduce me to the Red Sox; share their love for the team and their passion with me; take me to a game etc…

(And since the group that owns the Red Sox also own Liverpool FC that’s very doubtful)
Evangelising means giving witness, being a real life example of what it means to follow Christ. It includes love, commitment, principles, self-sacrifice, etc. That is what people notice. Of course, there are people who have converted without such evangelisation but many more have became Christians because of the example they saw. Evangelising is about showing faith in action.
Not everyone has the info. Many people are brought up in homes where religion is never discussed and parents may be ambivilent so those people will have no motivation or interest to pursue knowledge of God or His works.Others too may be raised in homes that are against religion of any description so will have a negative attitude toward religion.There are many different scenarios.

Evangelizing takes many forms…the best of which is just to ‘live’ our faith.Praising God,loveing our neighbour and helping them oin every way we can. When others see this they may ask questions and our answers and example may lead them to know of God and to seek faith for themselves.

Hope this helps

God bless you
The best way to evangelize is to lead a good and exemplary christian life.

Many people have access to information, but few have seen “Christianity in action”.

As an example, I grew up in a Calvinist household and community but abandoned the religion in my 20s partly because I was fed up with the hypocrisy of many so-called believers who preached the gospel (by judging others for example and telling them how they should worship the Lord correctly), but didn’t practice it (i.e they went to church on every Sunday, but during the week they were racists who mistreated black people, they cheated their employees of fair wages, beat their kids and encouraged them to be bullies at school, drank heavily on the weekend etc).

One of the reasons I decided to convert to Catholicism is because I have a lot of good Catholic friends who lead a very positive and exemplary life. Ironically, none of my Catholic friends ever tried to proselytize to me-they converted me with their deeds.
The best way to evangelize is to lead a good and exemplary christian life.

Many people have access to information, but few have seen “Christianity in action”.

As an example, I grew up in a Calvinist household and community but abandoned the religion in my 20s partly because I was fed up with the hypocrisy of many so-called believers who preached the gospel (by judging others for example and telling them how they should worship the Lord correctly), but didn’t practice it (i.e they went to church on every Sunday, but during the week they were racists who mistreated black people, they cheated their employees of fair wages, beat their kids and encouraged them to be bullies at school, drank heavily on the weekend etc).

One of the reasons I decided to convert to Catholicism is because I have a lot of good Catholic friends who lead a very positive and exemplary life. Ironically, none of my Catholic friends ever tried to proselytize to me-they converted me with their deeds.
No Catholic ever proselytised me either. Maybe that was something that attracted me to Catholicism. There was a lady who was Catholic who came to my mom’s funeral in 1999 When she approached my mom’s coffin the lady made the Sign of the Cross. I don’t know why that spoke to me but it did.🤷
No Catholic ever proselytised me either. Maybe that was something that attracted me to Catholicism. There was a lady who was Catholic who came to my mom’s funeral in 1999 When she approached my mom’s coffin the lady made the Sign of the Cross. I don’t know why that spoke to me but it did.🤷
Thats beautiful 🙂
No Catholic ever proselytised me either. Maybe that was something that attracted me to Catholicism. There was a lady who was Catholic who came to my mom’s funeral in 1999 When she approached my mom’s coffin the lady made the Sign of the Cross. I don’t know why that spoke to me but it did.🤷
There is great power in that sign.
There is great power in that sign.
About 3 years later in 2001 my.wife and I both became interested in the Catholic. Church, went through RCIA and became Catholic on Easter, 2002. I remember our RCIA began the day following 9/11.
No one ever evangelized me and I never had any Catholic friends or family or anything like that. I never went to Church. I just found the information for myself so I guess that’s my perspective.
I’m just wondering. If everyone has access to the information about Jesus in the developed and developing nations through the internet or the library or the tv then why do we need to evangelize? It’s kind of a devil’s advocate question more than anything. They can google the Catholic Church and find out everything, they can come to this website and read all of it. So, why do we need to evangelize anymore in the first world and even in the developing nations?
Because they can also find the wrong information. Lets say you are not Catholic and want to find out more. Sure, you can find legitimate sites like CAF or the Vatican website, but you also might find things like Jack Chick and his lies, or the skewed view of the SSPX or other wackos in protestant and even Catholic (more properly, those who claim to be Catholic) circles.

These things can lead people down wrong paths, which is why evangelization is necessary
Oren;10555590]I’m just wondering. If everyone has access to the information about Jesus in the developed and developing nations through the internet or the library or the tv then why do we need to evangelize? It’s kind of a devil’s advocate question more than anything. They can google the Catholic Church and find out everything, they can come to this website and read all of it. So, why do we need to evangelize anymore in the first world and even in the developing nations?
I would say that **not **everyone has the info

I was computer illiterate until I needed it for my Master’s at age 48yrs, so it would not surprise me to learn that perhaps 3 or 4 billion other people are similarly handicapped, Take for instance the nation in the headlines at the moment - North Korea. How many of those poor people would have access to knowledge of the Gospel? Besides that we are commanded to,
**"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” Matt 28:19 **
Plus this,
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matt 24:14
Wasn’t it St. Francis of Assisi that said :
“Preach the Gospel-use words if necessary.” ?
allhers;10559378]Wasn’t it St. Francis of Assisi that said :
“Preach the Gospel-use words if necessary.” ?
20th Century humour from a 13th Century Catholic Saint - I like it.

It is apparent that St Francis was born before his time, although hopefully not as described in the commentary by Barnes’ re- Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:8.

St. Francis actually did not say that and would not have agreed with that premise.
St. Francis actually did not say that and would not have agreed with that premise.
He might not have said it: but he absolutely would have agreed with the premise.

Which is why it is ascribed to him.

One of his more famous sermons was to strip naked in the cathedral, step up to the ambo and say “baaa, baa, baaa, baa.” I imagine that shocked a few of the worthy and wealthy burghers - and not a word was spoken.

But more than that, Francis preached by his lifestyle, his passion and his joyous love for Christ.
Originally Posted by LegoGE1947
No Catholic ever proselytized me either. Maybe that was something that attracted me to Catholicism. There was a lady who was Catholic who came to my mom’s funeral in 1999 When she approached my mom’s coffin the lady made the Sign of the Cross. I don’t know why that spoke to me but it did.
georget;10556365]There is great power in that sign.
"In hoc signo vinces "? Well, Constantine certainly thought so anyway.


"St. Francis never said the phrase above and he never would have, because it leaves out the heart of evangelization - helping others come to know Jesus - by proclaiming His name!

Others cannot know Jesus unless we talk about Him!"


“Someone invented the quote and put it into poor St. Francis’ mouth. And ever since then, people have used it as an excuse to not evangelize with words, to not have the uncomfortable conversations or say the unpopular things. That would have horrified Francis (and probably still does). It would have horrified him as much as the thought of not talking about Christ. Again, he knew what the Church has always known. There is no “if” about the necessity of words in evangelization, just as there is no “if” about the necessity of actions. They are both necessary. They are both essential.”

Two good articles that talk about why St. Francis would not have said that quote or agreed with it.
The Earlier Rule:

Chapter XVII Preachers
3. All the brothers, however, should preach by their deeds…
5. Therefore, in the love with is God, I beg all my brothers - those who preach, pray, work, whether cleric or lay - to strive to humble themselves in all things.

The Later Rule
Chapter IX Preachers
3. I also admonish and exhort these brothers that, in their preaching, their words be well chosen and chaste… in a discourse that is brief, because it was in few words that the Lord preached while on earth.
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