From the Catechism:
[848](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/848.htm’) "Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men."338
God bless,
[848](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/848.htm’) "Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men."338
If those of other faiths can be saved without ever accepting Jesus, why bother evangelizing and seeking to convert others? If ignorance negates culpability, could the Christian not save more people by leaving them in ignorance of the Gospel than by endowing them with knowledge of the Gospel that they might reject? Why did so many saints and martyrs risk their lives seeking to spread the Gospel to others if these others could be saved anyway? Where does one draw the line between respect for one's religion and the belief that all religions are equal, and how does one reconcile this belief with such teachings as *Unam Sanctum* and "Extra eclessiam nulla salus"?