God surely knew Adam and Eve would be tempted into a sin. why he still left the serpent there? Is there an answer other than “We can’t read God’s mind?”
Hi A, Satan came into the garden as an illegal alien.God gave Adam and Eve dominion over all in this earth. Satan became jealous because of that power and thus wanted to take down thier power and authority.Thats why Jesus came to us in the flesh[born] so that He could have authority over all the earth legally. It was not till Jesus baptism that He recieved the power[annoiting] so that He could do the work His Father called Him to do. Jesus came that Satan would be defeatedGod surely knew Adam and Eve would be tempted into a sin. why he still left the serpent there? Is there an answer other than “We can’t read God’s mind?”
God knew the whole thing, because He is omniscient.JD,
Re 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
God knew about the whole thing, and planned the cross before the world existed.
It interesting. I’m not sure I exactly follow, but I certainly don’t detect that anything you have written is, intentionally or otherwise, insulting to God or limiting His omnipotence or omniscience or any other om-thing.This does not spoil any omnipotence of His to begin with, as before there was nothing to know about anyway… you follow?
I completely agree. Free will would be meaningless if the person isn’t given the authority to actually make a choice, and that includes knowing that there is a choice. Yeah, big whoop if I (role-playing as God now) create a man with no distractions in his world at all and then go around claiming how much he loves me. Satan could rightly tell me, big deal – wait until he is tested. I might as well have just created a dog if all I wanted was unquestioning loyalty.God is not going to give man free will and then restrict him in some way, no He’s going to give him a world where he can freely exercise it, with that kind of negative situation set up, because God’s hardcore like that. Does everything perfectly!
Gerry, we ae getting pretty deep here. As we agree, God knew man woudl fall. There was no need to insure the event. God knew the fall would happen before he created man, and knew that Jesus would come to pay the penalty for sin to restore the relatonship with mankind, because He Himself designed this method of atonement. He’s God; He could have set any penalty or no penalty. If “planning” the cross seems a little too strong a term for this, that’s OK, I’l accept another term. It isn’t worth going to the fence over.God knew the whole thing, because He is omniscient.
However, I’m not sure if He “planned” it. The term “planned” suggests a deliberate, arbitrary act on the part of God to “ensure” that the Fall of Adam and Eve would indeed take place, then send His Son to earth to repair the damage. Knowing is not necessarily the same as planning.
I hope you are too. “Planning” indeed is too strong a term and suggests an arbitrariness that can be misunderstood by some.Gerry, we ae getting pretty deep here. As we agree, God knew man woudl fall. There was no need to insure the event. God knew the fall would happen before he created man, and knew that Jesus would come to pay the penalty for sin to restore the relatonship with mankind, because He Himself designed this method of atonement. He’s God; He could have set any penalty or no penalty. If “planning” the cross seems a little too strong a term for this, that’s OK, I’l accept another term. It isn’t worth going to the fence over.
Again, these are deep thoughts; it is good to think about them.
Hope you are having a great day.
A better understanding of the story might be gained by asking the question differently - why did the author of this story include the snake as a character?God surely knew Adam and Eve would be tempted into a sin. why he still left the serpent there? Is there an answer other than “We can’t read God’s mind?”