Why hasn't God upgraded his arsenal?

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Ever see pictures of St. Michael? He’s always carrying a sword! The same with all the other angels who fight the demons. Someone I know told me that she once saw angels carrying swords and who were going off to battle. This makes me wonder, Why do angels still fight with swords? Why doesn’t God have his angels use long range weapons? Assault rifles, grenades, RPG’s, Glocks and Desert Eagles–why not these? If the angels haven’t caught onto these better weapons, I’m surprised if the demons haven’t 😃
The devils have…haven’t you seen them in the news?

Our concept of spiritual warfare is limited. I suspect they are more like zero sum games…& my patron saint (by the power of God) never loses.

St. Michael the archangel defend us in battle…
Ever see pictures of St. Michael? He’s always carrying a sword! The same with all the other angels who fight the demons. Someone I know told me that she once saw angels carrying swords and who were going off to battle. This makes me wonder, Why do angels still fight with swords? Why doesn’t God have his angels use long range weapons? Assault rifles, grenades, RPG’s, Glocks and Desert Eagles–why not these? If the angels haven’t caught onto these better weapons, I’m surprised if the demons haven’t 😃
Dear friend

Spiritual warfare is not a war of weapons as in guns and swords! In Sacred Scripture the Word of God is referred to as a Sword. This is what fights against evil, within the world and as in Heaven, when satan fell. Spirits cannot physically don a sword and start a battle wielding their swords around! This is a war of the spirit, one against another and it is no different here on earth when we battle evil and evilness.

Those images you refer to are just that, imagry to define spirit and that of spirit.

The Word Of God is the weapon and the armour and the Word of God is Christ Jesus Incarnate.

Because we are of flesh and flesh of flesh it is hard for us to understand spirit and pure spirit, that is another reason why God became man in all His Divinity and Humanity, in this He is tangible and brings us into closer union and knowledge of God who is Eternal and Christ had a SWORD it is and was His Word.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love

. This makes me wonder, Why do angels still fight with swords? Why doesn’t God have his angels use long range weapons? Assault rifles, grenades, RPG’s, Glocks and Desert Eagles–why not these?
I’d suggest you think a bit more symbolically. As an example i’d site Father Copari’s use of the term “nuclear weapon” for the Rosary.
I don’t think that Madaglan actually believes that they are using actual swords.
Maybe the swords really are “Star Wars” light sabers (sp?).😉

May the Force be with you…😛
Dear friend

Spiritual warfare is not a war of weapons as in guns and swords…
I think that Madaglan was just kidding. Especially since he ended his post with 😃 .
I like swords, they look so much better then guns and nukes… 😃 That’s just me though.
Yeah, I’m kidding. I had a pretty good idea of how swords symbolize great authority. 👋
The best example of ‘spiritual warfare’ comes in the book of Revelation
Revelantion 19 (RSV-CE)

11 Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. 12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself. 13 He is clad in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. 14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, followed him on white horses. 15 From his mouth issues a sharp sword with which to smite the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron; he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, King of kings and Lord of lords.

As a kid and read something like this, I thought it was as written. Especially the part where Christ is seen on the white horse with a sword in his mouth! But now as an adult I understand that to mean His word, the Scriptures. (But the imagery is really cool!) :cool:

Go with God!, sword and all.
Ever see pictures of St. Michael? He’s always carrying a sword!
I get the sword. What I don’t get is the navel. Why do all statues and pictures of St. Michael show him with a navel?
That could be our new advertising slogan: The Catholic Church: Up your Arsenal! 😃

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