Why is abortion harmful?

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Hello everyone, recently I’ve taken a more pro-life stance and have become more vocal about it. However, whenever I have a dialogue, it seems that I’m underprepared for the discussion. If you have sources or links as to why abortion is wrong either for the child or women, I would love to read it. Usually, the people I have a dialogue with are atheists so I’m not sure I can appeal to God.

In this thread, I will play opposition and try to steelman pro-choice arguments to better prepare myself.
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Allow me to play the opposition. Studies show that the cerebral cortex the thing needed my our consciousness forms at 22 weeks. Even if I was to say they’re human they are not persons, therefore, it’s morally permissible to kill them.
Matt Fradd has a great interview with Stephanie Gray on YouTube that might be helpful to you.
I watched it was great. However they didn’t really debate personhood, which what I looking more into.
Allow me to play the opposition. Studies show that the cerebral cortex the thing needed my our consciousness forms at 22 weeks. Even if I was to say they’re human they are not persons, therefore, it’s morally permissible to kill them.
A person doesn’t lose personhood when they lose consciousness. People in comas are still people.
Hi @Eaglejet23, you wrote:
whenever I have a dialogue, it seems that I’m underprepared for the discussion
It would be helpful if you could let us know about some arguments you have heard in response to your position, so we could try to arm you with counter-arguments. Why do you feel unprepared? What’s getting you stumped?

Based on what you wrote, you seem interested in having a dialogue with people. Usually in a dialogue it’s not enough and it’s plainly not effective to just say “abortion is the unjust killing of a human person”. The other person will have a response to this, and so I’m curious about what sort of responses you have heard!

Edit: I see you posted an argument you heard already, so nevermind!
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Okay but a person in a coma still have their depositions. You don’t lose your dispositions the moment your attention is turned from them. Zygote never had them in the first place.
The biggest stumbling block isn’t if human life begins at conception, but does personhood begin at conception.
At four weeks gestation a fetus already has a beating heart.The neural tubes of the brain have already started developing. The first three months the development occurs at an astounding pace,daily really.
The disturbing fact regarding abortion it is goes against a woman’s nature.We are designed to bear life bring it into the world and love and care for our babies.Abortion is a counterintuitive action.
Regardless of ones faith beliefs this is a fact that is in every woman’s heart.
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How so? Don’t mentally disabled people also possess a form of consciousness.
Can you provide a source. I believe you but links to these facts would be great.
I’m not able to provide links however I assume all you would need to due is lookup stages of fetal development
I tried this argument that if we value consciousness then it implies we can lose or gain value. However what usually respond with is “acknowledging that mental states
are what make people valuable does not require any moral ranking of those mental states. What matters is that you have experiences, not what those experiences are.”

To give you a better definition mental states would be thoughts, desires, dispositions, and other facets of your mental life.
I don’t mean to hijack a thread, but why does personhood begin at the moment of conception? Is it just arbitrary or is there some reason for that?
It seems to me to be only non-arbitrary point. It is at that moment that a distinct homo sapiens becomes present and remains empirically in being until he or she dies.
Abortion is harmful because it limits the amazing potential of all parties, the mother, the child, the father, the family, the community, and humankind. When we gain discipline in building up one another, rather maintaining the false glory of some by eliminating others, we will achieve a far greater glory than known and imagined!
Yes but a brain dead person is effectively dead so I sure they feel comfortable in saying “Yeah they lost their personhood.”
Allow me to play the opposition. Studies show that the cerebral cortex the thing needed my our consciousness forms at 22 weeks. Even if I was to say they’re human they are not persons, therefore, it’s morally permissible to kill them.
Can you think of other groups who have been dehumanized by not according them “personhood”?
What happens to those who are dehumanized in such a way?
History is very instructive here.
Abortion is the murder of a sweet, innocent, and precious baby. A heartbeat can be heard as early as 5 1/2 weeks. A simple blood test can tell you the gender of the baby at 12 weeks and and an ultrasound will at 20 weeks. Have you ever watched Unplanned? I highly suggest you do. There is literally a room in Planned Parenthood called the Pieces of Children Room. Each baby has tiny fingers and toes. The way abortion happens is totally barbaric. They crush the baby’s head. Abortion hurts women. It robs them of their dignity. A baby in the womb is not just a clump of cells.
But they don’t display any qualities that we normally associate with the human person, like reason, fear, love, faith, etc.
This is the same line as racists/supremacists.

You should grow your understanding.
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