“just give it time”? You don’t know the Polish people. Look at Russia, an atheist and Communist country. Decades of prayer are bearing fruit. “Westernized” is incorrect. Spreading perversion is the goal.
I believe I
do know the Polish people. My "ex-"wife is native born Polish and my son is a part of the Polish diaspora in North America. Granted, they are people of strong faith, and manifestations of public faith exist in a way unknown in this country. Pretty much every neighborhood has its own little outdoor shrine. That’s refreshing. I have a very intimate, up-close knowledge of the country based on extensive travel and time spent there (2 or 3 months if you added it all up, and that is living in a Polish home and going about my daily life just as Poles do). And tak, ja mowie po polsku troche ale nie plynny, niestety (
yes, I speak Polish a little but not fluently, unfortunately).
I have, however, seen the steady decline in morality — faith, not so much, but morality. One of the cousins and his wife practice contraception because, to hear them tell it, “we live in modern times now”. I asked my XW, who related this story to me, if “modern times” would be sufficient to keep them out of hell. The last time I was there, women’s dress for Mass was getting pretty scandalous, a situation I doubt has improved. Porn and prostitution are freely available and legal. And they have more television than they know what to do with — Poles are very avid TV viewers.
Poland is a very beloved country to me, a place I will always hold dear in my heart — my son goes there to visit his grandparents once every three years, something I strongly encourage, and he adopted a Polish flag as his avatar in one of his video games. It is far preferable to the US in terms of Catholic faith and morality, but it has slid enormously in the predictable ways, and this is very hurtful to see.