Why is beauty truth?

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I see beauty and know I can’t explain it because it is beauty. But why is beauty truth?
Perhaps because the opposite of truth is lying, and lying is ugly :rolleyes:
Don’t know what Keats meant by it, but if God is Beauty, Truth, Goodness, then in a sense they are all the same thing, or rather the same God, appreciated from different points of view.
This is how I understand it… Absolute truth is found in God, and God is the source of beauty (look around and see the beauty created by Our God) so a person who walks towards the truth of God, will see beauty at it’s source. When a person is full of truth (and cannot or does not tell lies) I believe they carry the aura of truth in them and have a love for truth and honesty. That aura may be blue which stands for truth or honesty. There are some who can see this see someone who is blessed with the light of God which is the light of truth, perhaps even radiating with it. The saints have been historically depicted in art with auras (or halos or orbs) above their heads symbolizing that truth or beauty lies within them at the heart of their souls. Read Ezekiel 27. Those like King David felt the love of God in Him and had to express it in the way of song which expressed the beauty that was at the core of His being being full of God. For this same reason we have beautiful Cathedrals, paintings, art and music, The Love of God being the source of their creation. God who is Absolute truth. So two wrap up, there is a relationship between truth and beauty both coming from the love of God.
Jesus pointed to the beauty of the lilies as evidence of the presence of God’s power and goodness:
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’
John Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn

Truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love are all aspects of divine perfection.
What more do we need to know?
I have noticed that a liar is an ugly person in spirit, and a truth-teller is a beautiful person in spirit.

Keats, being a great poet, if not a great philosopher, also understood that.
From my understanding Aquinas related beauty to integrity (wholeness), proportion (harmony, symmetry), and radiance. We know intuitively when we see that something is consonant with its intended purpose-and we also recognize when things are out of whack. There’s a sense of purity or completion when we hear music or view art or observe an aspect of nature that’s most closely aligned, in some manner that we may not always be able to define, to a form we innately perceive as right or perfect.
Beauty and harmony is in all Creation, as it doesn’t originate of automatic evolution which would bring forth cancer-like ugly proliferation, but of God’s will. Look at the beauty of any plant or animal, magnify it’s tiniest detail up to a single cell, and you still find amazing beauty. That’s because God is good and God is love, which is not at all self-evident to the understanding of God of our ancestors - such as the sage of Zeus and the Gods, who had all human weaknesses and wickednesses.

Inharmony, evil and ugliness was brought into the world by sin, which we must not load upon our earliest ancestors, but upon us now and today, as we keep sinning anew.
The truth is beauty and beautiful, because the truth only will endure, as it’s Divine Law; it’s God, it’s Jesus Christ Himself as He said in John 14,6: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. Edith Stein said: „God is the Truth. He who seeks the truth, seeks God - disregarding if he knows this fact or not“.

St. Paul, the Prince of the Apostles said in Romans 1,19 that God in the beauty of His creation has shown His truth to all; so disbelievers are without excuse! Jesus Himself said before in John 15,22, that the earth has seen and heard His truth (“he who saw Me has seen the Father”), so any ignorance about God is inexcusable.

Though God created the world in beauty and harmony, human kind who teaches that all that is arose of mere „big bang-evolution“ altered God’s law of beauty into his own disharmony of the lie and we did so in cooperation with the father of the lie (John 8,44) which brought the world into agony.

Therefore the question "Why is beauty truth?“ bears an easy answer:
Because it’s from God<
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