I am having a bit of a spiritual/psychological struggle that is detrimental to finding my vocation as Catholic woman (btw, I’m 20 years old), and I would appreciated if someone who is theologically sound can offer me some advice. I’ve never talked to anyone about these things before, because I have no one who I trust enough to confide in, and I am generally not one to vent my problems on other people, but this issue has been driving me nuts for years and I’ve realized that I need to swallow my pride and get help. I am struggling with themes related to Ephesians 5:22-24, the creation and fall of Adam and Eve, authority, and the nature of God. It’s going to take a few paragraphs to summarize my questions.
I’ll begin with Adam and Eve. After they disobeyed God, they fell from grace, and thus caused all of humanity yet to be born to have disordered passions causing them to sin and suffer the effects of sin. God said to Adam that he would have to work “by the sweat of his brow,” and to Eve: “yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Gen 3:16b). In this fallen world, women are at a disadvantage in terms of vulnerability given their lesser physical size and strength. I thought this apparent unfairness was because of sin. But, I heard a priest explain (in accordance with the Church fathers) that in the Bible, when someone names someone or something else, it is a sign of their authority over it. God named the various components of creation, and then Adam. However, he gave Adam the authority to name the animals, and to name Eve. Therefore, a man’s authority over his wife is by God’s design. I understand that authority the way God intended is meant to protect and serve those under it. I understand that the suffering resulting from abused authority is the result of sin, not God’s plan.
That point brings us to Ephesians 5:22-24, the passage where St. Paul tells wives to be submissive to their husbands and husbands to love their wives as Christ loves his Church. I understand that he is putting a heavy demand on the man, not just the woman. The husband’s role is a role of great servitude, as Christ serves his Church.
Now I am about to explain my stumbling block. Jesus deliberately chose men to be priests, the authority figures of the Church, which makes sense given that men naturally possess the type of strength and authority that both men and women naturally respect and obey. Priests are the representatives of Christ, and they represent Him in a way that a woman cannot. They are sons of God that represent the Father in a way a daughter cannot. As a female, this concept makes me feel as though women are made in a lesser image of God with inferior attributes of God. I know that I must not be seeing this right, and that this anguished feeling of being short-changed by God must be the result of my own pride and envy and the ploys of the devil. But I can’t help but perceive being excluded and deemed inferior. I try hard to love God, but I feel bitter at Him for making women weaker on purpose, and then putting men in charge.
I have more to say, but I need to continue on another thread…
I’ll begin with Adam and Eve. After they disobeyed God, they fell from grace, and thus caused all of humanity yet to be born to have disordered passions causing them to sin and suffer the effects of sin. God said to Adam that he would have to work “by the sweat of his brow,” and to Eve: “yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Gen 3:16b). In this fallen world, women are at a disadvantage in terms of vulnerability given their lesser physical size and strength. I thought this apparent unfairness was because of sin. But, I heard a priest explain (in accordance with the Church fathers) that in the Bible, when someone names someone or something else, it is a sign of their authority over it. God named the various components of creation, and then Adam. However, he gave Adam the authority to name the animals, and to name Eve. Therefore, a man’s authority over his wife is by God’s design. I understand that authority the way God intended is meant to protect and serve those under it. I understand that the suffering resulting from abused authority is the result of sin, not God’s plan.
That point brings us to Ephesians 5:22-24, the passage where St. Paul tells wives to be submissive to their husbands and husbands to love their wives as Christ loves his Church. I understand that he is putting a heavy demand on the man, not just the woman. The husband’s role is a role of great servitude, as Christ serves his Church.
Now I am about to explain my stumbling block. Jesus deliberately chose men to be priests, the authority figures of the Church, which makes sense given that men naturally possess the type of strength and authority that both men and women naturally respect and obey. Priests are the representatives of Christ, and they represent Him in a way that a woman cannot. They are sons of God that represent the Father in a way a daughter cannot. As a female, this concept makes me feel as though women are made in a lesser image of God with inferior attributes of God. I know that I must not be seeing this right, and that this anguished feeling of being short-changed by God must be the result of my own pride and envy and the ploys of the devil. But I can’t help but perceive being excluded and deemed inferior. I try hard to love God, but I feel bitter at Him for making women weaker on purpose, and then putting men in charge.
I have more to say, but I need to continue on another thread…