Why is God doing this to me?

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What is so great about heaven that he would want me in there?
Why does God want me in his existence?
If you truly want your answer, you will pray.

I do find it an interesting question - reminds me of me.
Speaking of me, I figure part of the reason He created me has to do with His having a sense of humour.
Heaven is joyous and after all is said and done, it will all end in laughter.

But, I’m just another random idiot on the internet.
You sound like you are seeking a closer relationship with God. There’s a lot of very knowledgeable people here…use the search function fro specific questions and ask new ones.
You also might look into getting a Spiritual Director. Ask a priest to meet with you. Go for coffee…ask what you need to ask. They are there to help.
God bless you on this journey.
What is so great about heaven that he would want me in there?
God is all good and just. That is, everything all hearts long for.

In holy scripture, it says one day, every knee will bow. To those who don’t know Him, they might think this is because He is God and therefore all mighty, …and He is. However, to those who know Him they know that very knee will bow because of how much they realize they love Him also. The thought of being separated from Him, unbearable, horrific.
What is so great about heaven that he would want me in there?
Hey Breaker,
Good question. I’m sure this mystifies many, but its about more than just heaven. The truth is that God has a unique purpose for your life that only you can fulfil. The fact that you are thinking about the Lord is proof that he is calling you. You are not more or less than all of God’s saints. With God there is no respect of persons. A good promise for you to consider is Jer. 29:11. Also, if you want to know more about heaven, check out a book called “Revealing Heaven” by Kat Kerr or just YouTube her name.

God bless you
You ask “why?” because you want to know.
As a rational being (and God, also, is rational being) your nature is “to know”, and being human, you do not have all that you know infused in you at the instant of creation (as with the Angels), but your nature of “knowing” is actualized by sensing what “is” through your body’s senses. And so, while you could be just sensing things with no thought about them, instead, as a rational being, you are reasoning about what you sense, to understand individual items sensed and also, then, to understand the big picture of what the individual things mean in a “big picture”, so that you will know “all things”. This is the nature of a rational being, to know all things. Only then will you be satisfied and smile, because you “understand”.

In the resurrection (and partially before that in Heaven) you will be fully satisfied in the presence of God, understanding and (with your resurrected body) able to express who you really are (participate in that union with God in Christ).

You are not here to fill up on Snickers Bars, but to know, to come to know, and your physical existence is your instrument of relation to knowing and being known.
Love seems to like to share, to express and manifest itself.
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