Why do people choose to sin, not forgive (let things bother them), neglect prayer, nosiness, gossip, ungrateful attitude? Maybe this is something I will never understand. Why can’t everyone just be happy? No one is perfect. It seems like people can only do so much on their own. I guess I understand sin is a choice, but some people just have a strong tendency towards something. I know some people who just naturally worry more than others. I can say stop worrying. It does not seem to work. I always thought sins of the “head” are much more difficult to control. I can stop gossiping, lying, neglecting prayer, fornicating very easily. It is difficult for me to find peace - to stop being negative, stop being scared, stop caring what others say about me, stop wanting people to love me, stop disliking something, let go of something. I may never express these things but they kill me a little on the inside. I have just learning to occupy my mind with better activities instead of STOPPING. I think replacement is easier than stopping.