Why is it so difficult for humans to follow God?

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Why do people choose to sin, not forgive (let things bother them), neglect prayer, nosiness, gossip, ungrateful attitude? Maybe this is something I will never understand. Why can’t everyone just be happy? No one is perfect. It seems like people can only do so much on their own. I guess I understand sin is a choice, but some people just have a strong tendency towards something. I know some people who just naturally worry more than others. I can say stop worrying. It does not seem to work. I always thought sins of the “head” are much more difficult to control. I can stop gossiping, lying, neglecting prayer, fornicating very easily. It is difficult for me to find peace - to stop being negative, stop being scared, stop caring what others say about me, stop wanting people to love me, stop disliking something, let go of something. I may never express these things but they kill me a little on the inside. I have just learning to occupy my mind with better activities instead of STOPPING. I think replacement is easier than stopping.
Why do people choose to sin, not forgive (let things bother them), neglect prayer, nosiness, gossip, ungrateful attitude? Maybe this is something I will never understand. Why can’t everyone just be happy? No one is perfect. It seems like people can only do so much on their own. I guess I understand sin is a choice, but some people just have a strong tendency towards something. I know some people who just naturally worry more than others. I can say stop worrying. It does not seem to work. I always thought sins of the “head” are much more difficult to control. I can stop gossiping, lying, neglecting prayer, fornicating very easily. It is difficult for me to find peace - to stop being negative, stop being scared, stop caring what others say about me, stop wanting people to love me, stop disliking something, let go of something. I may never express these things but they kill me a little on the inside. I have just learning to occupy my mind with better activities instead of STOPPING. I think replacement is easier than stopping.
I think someone else said that too, was it a jesuit?, …
There’s plenty of good people in the world. Stop focusing on the negative all the time.
Focus on being the best you can be…faithful, humble, caring for others. Look outward.
You’ll find the beauty and goodness of people all around you.
For the rest? Pray for them.
Perhaps not using the answer God gave?
He gave us “Sanctifying Grace”, meaning the Virtues, dispositions to use whenever we will as we do the things we do.
Instead of resolving, “I am going to ask this girl for a date”, we can use his gift of Virtues, dispositions, and resolve, “I am going to virtuously ask her for a date, and I am going to interact virtuously with her”.

Instead of approaching someone with the intent to “talk with them” (which may end up being gossip), we have the gift of Virtues, dispositions, such that we can approach the person with the intent that “I am going to talk virtuously with this person” (somehow that intent of the will ends up sabotaging gossip’s success).

Anything we do, we can resolve, “I am going to do this thing right now virtuously”.

Try it. I find it surprising, delightful.
As Jesus did, lead by example. There will ALWAYS be people who don’t feel right unless they can criticize others, you cannot change that or them, just don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing it bothers you. Hey, if following God were easy…
Because we are lazy, crazy, prideful, vain, disobedient and have free will. Take away all that and we would be pretty boring!!:D:D:D
Why do people choose to sin, not forgive (let things bother them), neglect prayer, nosiness, gossip, ungrateful attitude? Maybe this is something I will never understand. Why can’t everyone just be happy? No one is perfect. It seems like people can only do so much on their own. I guess I understand sin is a choice, but some people just have a strong tendency towards something. I know some people who just naturally worry more than others. I can say stop worrying. It does not seem to work. I always thought sins of the “head” are much more difficult to control. I can stop gossiping, lying, neglecting prayer, fornicating very easily. It is difficult for me to find peace - to stop being negative, stop being scared, stop caring what others say about me, stop wanting people to love me, stop disliking something, let go of something. I may never express these things but they kill me a little on the inside. I have just learning to occupy my mind with better activities instead of STOPPING. I think replacement is easier than stopping.
It is the devil!
All was well until the great fall of man; since then, there is this tendency to do all but God’s Will, i.e concupiscence to sin.
Matthew 19:25-26:
When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and said, “Who then can be saved?”

Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”
It is the devil!
All was well until the great fall of man; since then, there is this tendency to do all but God’s Will, i.e concupiscence to sin.

To the OP: Try intensifying your relationship with Christ. Take the Holy Eucharist daily, if possible. Keep your mind on Christ all day in some small way. Let the Holy Spirit fill your heart, and you will always feel love.
Why do people choose to sin, not forgive (let things bother them), neglect prayer, nosiness, gossip, ungrateful attitude? Maybe this is something I will never understand. Why can’t everyone just be happy? No one is perfect. It seems like people can only do so much on their own. I guess I understand sin is a choice, but some people just have a strong tendency towards something. I know some people who just naturally worry more than others. I can say stop worrying. It does not seem to work. I always thought sins of the “head” are much more difficult to control. I can stop gossiping, lying, neglecting prayer, fornicating very easily. It is difficult for me to find peace - to stop being negative, stop being scared, stop caring what others say about me, stop wanting people to love me, stop disliking something, let go of something. I may never express these things but they kill me a little on the inside. I have just learning to occupy my mind with better activities instead of STOPPING. I think replacement is easier than stopping.
Replacement is not only better - it’s necessary. The mind will always be occupied with something. it should be something spiritual. A thought, in and of itself, is not sinful. Thought cannot be helped. Dwelling on thoughts is what could become sin. I might have a mean thought about someone. Ask immediately for forgiveness and move on.

Not just evil thoughts, but all those feelings you mention above.

Replace thoughts with good:

This is a good parable in reference to what you bring up:

Mathew 12:43-45
“When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, I will return to the house I left. When it arrives, it finds the house UNOCCUPIED, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there…”.

So the spirit goes out of the man because the man has decided to serve God. But the man has not replaced his prior life with a Godly life so when the wicked spirit goes back to him he finds the man’s spirit (house) unoccupied and return taking with him even more evil.

So when we come to God, we let go of thoughts that drag us down, but must replace them with Godly things and not leave our house empty. Rejoice that you know God!

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