To give some background, I grew up as a Baptist, was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and spent many years very active and eager to serve God and the church any way I could. During college at some point I became somewhat distant from church. Recently, after a long bit of research, soul searching, and prayer my wife and I decided to visit our local parish and started going on Ash Wednesday. The priest is young and seems very busy, but he has a good heart. It is very evident that he loves his parish and loves the Lord. Here’s what we’re running into though: First, it is very obvious that Mass is not meant to be a social event as many Protestant services are. Honestly though, I would expect nothing less than a Catholic Mass from any service where Jesus Christ is really present, BUT I would at least expect a little more concern for those who are obviously seeking and curious about the Catholic Faith. We’ve been going for over a month now to Sunday Mass and a few during the week. The priest introduced us to a couple of people who really just gave the impression that they were too busy to talk to. We’ve been devouring the Luke E. Hart series offered by the Knights of Columbus, have been reading the Catechism, spending TONS of time in the Scriptures, read “Rome Sweet Home”, gave up birth control and started NFP, and have come to terms with most of the beliefs we weren’t taught as Protestants. We still have a long long way to go. I have not knelt during the Eucharist yet because it just doesn’t seem that it would be right for me to do so until I’m more confident and sure about what I’m doing. I have never said a Hail Mary and, until today, never prayed to a saint (we attended one of this year’s concluding RCIA classes on the Communion of Saints). Much of our lives have changed in the course of a few months but all this has come through our own personal study. We really expected to get some guidance from our parish. The attitude we seem to be getting is something like, “just wait until RCIA next year.” I have no problem whatsoever going through RCIA like everyone else and look forward to it, my issue is what do I do until then? We would like to get to know our priest, a sponsor, or something just to have someone to talk to and help us through the learning process. After a while of searching and learning on your own, you need a little motivation, edification, and fellowship from those around you, at least I do. We just feel like we don’t belong anywhere. I can’t just go back to the Protestant way, I’ve come to far and know that I have to follow this through wherever it might end up. I just need some advice. Its clear that the Catholic way of doing things is so different than what I’m used to but I know Jesus doesn’t want his own to feel shut out and separated from the Church just because the next class hasn’t started yet.