OP, we just had this discussion on the thread Limoncello posted. You might want to review that thread.
In addition, we have had a second thread about this here:
Pope John Paul Sainthood Is Under Scrutiny After Disgraced Archbishop Catholic News
Let me first say that anything that Yahoo news puts out becomes a questionable statement to me, it is similar to Google News with a very liberal slant, Who is questioning his sainthood?
As for what Pope JPII did during his papacy, having lived through it, my biggest memory of him is him boldly standing against and helping to bring down communism in Eastern Europe.
He also inspired many people I know, including inspiring some to religious vocations. He especially reached out to young people.
He wrote Theology of the Body, which was greatly needed.
He instituted the Feast of the Divine Mercy and promulgated the Divine Mercy devotion.
He placed renewed emphasis on the Rosary and the importance of Mother Mary at a time when many in the Church were shoving these things aside.
He went through great personal risks and struggles in becoming a priest and serving as a priest in an area/ at a time when the Church was being oppressed.
These are just some of the things he did.
When he died, people yelled “Santo Subito” - saint now. That’s the impact he had on people.
It’s too bad that people who apparently didn’t experience this first hand are only going to read the media’s hatchet jobs on him decades down the line. To me, this sort of thing is the Devil’s work. People shouldn’t fall for it.
St Pope John Paul II, pray for us.