Why is life a total mystery and God isn't very forthcoming with specifics?

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Well? :confused: Why all the mumbo jumbo?
What “mumbo-jumbo” are you referring to?
1)He is infintely wiser than we shall ever be, and does things for reasons we cannot comprehend, often times.

Suffering? To strengthen us, test us, and show Him how we act in the face of adversity or temptation.

Meaning of life? To complete this earthly test and join Him in Heaven.

Well, those are my theories at least:thumbsup:.
Well, I’m not sure… :confused:

I have a sudden fit of doubt and despair, I guess. I mean, what is the point of all this confusion on the Earth??? We are here, living life, and we are all pretty much confused, not sure why we are here, living in a vast universe, and God is hiding somewhere out of our reach. We are born as innocent babes, yet drawn to sin, helpless to our passions.

Some of us don’t even bother to seek God, yet somehow we’re responsible for our predicament! What sense is there in it all? :confused:
Some of us don’t even bother to seek God, yet somehow we’re responsible for our predicament! What sense is there in it all? :confused:
I sincerely empathize with you. I definitely have had my “Job” moments, but with less explanations…
Hi, WhiteDove,

quote: WhiteDove
I have a sudden fit of doubt and despair, I guess. I mean, what is the point of all this confusion on the Earth??? We are here, living life, and we are all pretty much confused, not sure why we are here, living in a vast universe, and God is hiding somewhere out of our reach. We are born as innocent babes, yet drawn to sin, helpless to our passions.

Some of us don’t even bother to seek God, yet somehow we’re responsible for our predicament! What sense is there in it all?
Oh, I do emphathize with your observations!

For decades I asked the question: What are
we *doing *here? What’s the point??

Why couldn’t we have just have been born
right into heaven, and skip slogging thru
all the pain and confusion and misery we
experience and encounter here on earth?

The answer I found wasn’t in “thinking”.
It was in trust.

God willed me to be here on earth…I don’t
understand why, but I accept that.

He also allows much suffering in life…
I don’t understand that, but I* accept* it

There is much chaos and confusion in the
world…I accept that God is in charge

When I feel overwhelmed by the chaos and
confusion I see in the world [courtesy of
TV news etc] I remind myself that I’m only
responsible for my behavior in the small
patch of the world God has placed me in.

It seems to bring enormous relief to just
let God be God.

Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are
heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Burdened can mean: with questions, uncertainties,
anger, anxiety, “why am I here” questions.

And, if at times, God seems to be hiding,
I can take out a map, look at the modern
state of Israel, and* know* that the God-Man
walked there, built furniture with his foster
father, went to a wedding at Cana and offered
to give each of us rest from the burdens we
I’ve had chronic depression for most of my life,
and great anxiety.
It is not easy for me to keep the above thoughts
in mind, but if I trust God to be God, then
everything is, and will be, OK.
Dear Whitedove

Wouldn’t it be really bland if we knew everything? If we had nothing to puzzle and ponder over? If we spent all of our lives knowing everything and had nothing new to share with each other? Wouldn’t all this knowing be redundant? Wouldn’t the excitement and awe disappear out of life?

I’ve often wondered why the Apostles didn’t ask Jesus questions about the world and the Universe. They seemed more interested in knowing who will be at God’s right hand! I have wondered why they didn’t ask Jesus to tell them more about the nature of God. Then I realised they just trusted in faith and in Sacred Scripture all that has been said is Truth and that Jesus is Truth, He is God. They didn’t ask anything about the world or why things are the way they are, how God made it etc, they focused on the next life and how to achieve it, they trusted and that is FAITH.

I like not knowing things, it is in not knowing everything that I can truly trust God. It must bring great joy to God to share Himself with us, He knowing everything to share with the unknowing humans, truly a great gift to us.

We come to know God when we trust Him and have an open and silent heart.

‘Be it done unto me according to Thy word’

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Do you read all of the posts in all of the CA Forums? If not, would you explain?
savone :coffee:
Thanks for the replies. This life is certainly inexplicable. :confused: I really don’t see the point in it. There must be an explanation! Frankly, I think I deserve one.

You have people arguing over religion, mad at each other all the time, and then are given scriptures that seem to beat around the bush quite a bit. Look at this forum! Even within the Catholic Church we can’t agree on anything! No one knows anything!
There must be an explanation! Frankly, I think I deserve one.
!! Oh? Well in that case! One possible explaination:

1.1. God is good.
1.2. If He’s perfectly good, then He must do things in the best possible way to accomplish His purpose.
1.3. Thus this universe, as it is, is the best possible way to accomplish the goal of…
1.4. His purpose: infinite creative love.

Going back to #1:
2.1. God is good.
2.2. His will is the perfect will.
2.3. The best thing for us is to be in accord with the perfect will.
2.4. God won’t hide that perfect will, because he desires the best for us.

Going back to #1:
3.1. God is good.
3.2. He desires the best for AND from us.
3.2. The best for us is to know Him, since He is infinitely good. Knowing and serving anything else would be less than the best.


4.1 God is good.
4.2 See 3.2
4.2 He wouldn’t coerce us against our will since coerced love is not real love.
4.4. God gives us everything we need to know to love Him and want to serve Him. Anything more than what He has already given would be coercive, so asking for more is like saying that He doesn’t know what He’s doing.

So weave all those togther.
No one knows anything!
Not true. I, for one, know everything! Ahaha… just kidding. Sorta.
Faith vs. Knowledge. How much greater is your love for God if it is founded upon faith in him, rather than complete knowledge in him. To follow God by faith is a way of showing our love for him. If we already know for sure everything there is to know, we are not free to decide whether we want to follow what is good, or to do what is not of God. One way of looking at it is like a test. It could be a test of whether we choose Good or evil. A test of whether we desire to know Truth or whether we are relitivists who don’t care about Truth. A test of whether we truely desire to love God and our neighbors.

If we already know everything, there is no reason for us to seek Him out. God wants us to seek Him of our own free will. It is an expression of where our heart is and what we truely desire.

Do you see what my point is?
Grace & Peace!

WhiteDove, while I certainly empathize with you (these are great questions you’re asking), I don’t think the situation is quite as hopeless as you might think. And I’m so happy you’re asking these questions because, simply by asking them, you’re resisting the temptation to despair.

I can only tell you what works for me–and maybe it will work for you too. The goal of life is Christ. That’s all. It’s very simple. The Mystery/ies of the Church is/are nothing without Christ. The moral theology of the Church has no leg to stand on without Christ. Christ is the Way, and the Goal, and even the Walking of the Way is Christ. There is one Doer and one thing Done–and that is God. There is one Knower and one thing Known–and that is God. There is one Lover and one thing Loved–and that is God. In being brought into existence, we are being invited to share in this Love, in God. We are invited to participate in the life of God. The Orthodox call this Theosis. The Latin church–Divinization. Athanasius is quite clear, “God became man that man might become God.” Maximos is similarly clear, “What God is by nature, we shall be by grace.” This is a fantastic mystery, a beautiful promise.

But why all the rigamarole? Why the suffering, the doubt? Why pain, why questions? The trick is to change your perspective on othese issues–these are not bad things. These are instruments of grace and growth. If God transcends all time, all space (as God does), the reality of what you really are in Christ is a living reality in Christ. And your job here is to live into it. We are in the process now of journeying towards what we are–our being is in our becoming. This is a present reality in Christ, not something far away. It is here, now. And you can touch it–through the sacraments, and even through the wound in the heart that the question causes. Keep in mind that it is when the lance pierced Christ’s side that the Church was born in a flood of grace and mercy–the moment when the heart of Jesus is revealed. The church is this wound in the heart of Christ–the wound that reveals the depths of God’s being and love. And the wound of the question, of the doubt–that too is a window onto that place in the heart that opens out onto the Fountain of our own Beings, the Life of our lives, onto Christ.

What I’m saying is that the Kingdom of God is here and now. It is not something to be striven for. It is not something to be gained. It is something given to you as a part of your very being–because the Kingdom is not different from Christ. And Christ is the ground of your being–he is what you really are, by grace. The task is to turn towards this Reality. God help you with the turning, will be there with you to help you.

I read a very interesting thing the other day in St. Dionysius the Areopagite–his idea that it is preposterous to believe that in prayer one can convince God of anything or make God do anything. The reality of the situation is this–God is constantly showering you with grace and love–prayer is actually an attempt to turn toward that source of grace, that ocean of love, in order to receive the gifts that God is already giving you. And what is it that God gives? Of what does this grace, this love consist? God gives only one gift. God gives God’s own self. And He gives it constantly. Our task in this life is to say “yes” to this gift.

I hope this helps. God bless!


Deo Gratias!
Hi, WhiteDove,

There must be an explanation! Frankly, I think I deserve one.
Your quote above is the reason the Book of Job is
so treasured by every passing generation.
It is exactly what Job said !

25 years ago, I said the same thing.

"When I get to heaven, I will demand to know
why I suffered, why those I love dearly suffered -
I want answers. [It’s so human to feel that way.]

Of course, I got the same “explanation” that
Job got: [paraphrased]

“Stand up! Gird yourself like a man.”
“I [God] will ask you some questions.”

"Were you there when I laid out the heavens,
set the planets in their course,
Said to the seas, ‘This far and no further’

Well, of course, this was not the explanation
Job was looking for.🙂

And, having sinned along in life, I’ve changed
my tune. My plan is to throw myself at the
feet of God and plead for mercy.

As to questions - The answer isn’t an explanation.
The answer is a Person, Jesus.
“I am…the Truth…”

I figure if God can tolerate our arguing, bickering,
being mad at one another and our lack of
agreement [this is all part of *being human],
I’ll rest in Him…and then get back to arguing,
disagreeing! :o

Best wishes,
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve…
I was made weak , that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health, that I might do greater things…
I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.
I asked for riches, that I might be happy…
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men…
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life…
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing I asked for, but everything I had hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am among all mankind, most richly blessed!

Just like a parent has to watch a child struggle to learn to walk, talk, dress themselves, write their name, etc. so God Our Father has to teach us lessons in this life. He loves us too much to leave us like we are!

We are here to know Him, love Him and serve Him in this life so we can be with Him forever in the next!

If everything was easy, we wouldn’t have to have faith.

If everyone was easy to love, it wouldn’t really be love.

If God was easy to understand, He wouldn’t be God.
Lot’s of good comments . . . not a whole lot I can add but this:

Maybe this is a good time to simply persevere . . . to keep trying and keep praying *as an act of faith and trust * - especially if the “trying” seems a bit joyless right now. I think it’s at times like these that the Saints made their greatest strides.

So many other virtues can grow out of simple perseverence.

Ahhhh - but look at me. Fifteen years I wandered aimlessly and if you had seen me in church you would have thought I was a good Catholic.

Restlessness, guilt, or shame, are just some of the signs that God is knocking at your door and he is saying, “Come, follow me”. For some of us, that restlessness doesn’t end until we turn down the “radio” and take time to shed away the layers of confusion - in my case it was a 6 week long deep dive.

He had given me some grace, enough to have no desire to watch TV other than EWTN for a few weeks, and to lock myself into my room doing activities such as this, or just simply contemplating, reading, etc. Slowly, the layers began to peel away. He is so loving that he doesn’t want to put too much on you at once so he gives you a little bit at a time.

To follow him, must be a choice. This is why He or any priest will never tell you WHAT to do.

The Holy Bible is one of the few books that you can read and each time a passage will mean something different, based on circumstances through which you are going. One exercise I use to do was to flip open the new testament and read something from one side or the other - something that struck me. It is amazing how this can work to give you a moment to ponder.

I really encourage you find a copy of the book, My Daily Bread. Each chapter is about 1.5 pages and it is one of the most wonderful books. It may give you the kinds of answers you look for. All you do is read one chapter in the morning (less than 5 minutes per day) and you chew on it all day long, going back and re-readnig it a few more times. It’s really great.


Try not to understand the universe all in one day. Study the virtues and see how practicing them applies to your situation.
Dear DBT,

So many other virtues can grow out of simple perseverence.
Now that’s a profound observation, I think.

C.S. Lewis once wrote: [paraphrase]

“The man who looks around in a world in which
every trace of God seems to be missing, and
still obeys.”

Thanks for your thought, DBT.

Well, I’m not sure… :confused:

I have a sudden fit of doubt and despair, I guess. I mean, what is the point of all this confusion on the Earth??? We are here, living life, and we are all pretty much confused, not sure why we are here, living in a vast universe, and God is hiding somewhere out of our reach. We are born as innocent babes, yet drawn to sin, helpless to our passions.

Some of us don’t even bother to seek God, yet somehow we’re responsible for our predicament! What sense is there in it all? :confused:
A few points I’d like to make about your statement.
  • Hopelessness and despair are the seeds of the devil and he hopes they will sprout into the rejection of God’s love and mercy. Either of these two things are a strong indicator that you should run, not walk, to a priest and have a discussion, be it casually, or in the context of confession.
  • Many people think that God is behind the world’s suffering. I can say this to you, with great certainty, he is just as hurt by it as you are. One of the things that I believe Pope Benedict will do is to help us to see the bondage of our immorality and the oppression of our sins. This is an absolute key to unlocking the chains of human suffering.
Let me expand on this last point these ways:

When one commits murder, he creates suffering in a victim who dies, the victim’s family who loses someone close, and in his own family when they must cope with his awful actions and his loss - to prison or to death. The killer rejects God’s law of “Thou shall not kill”, rejects Truth by justifying his actions in his mind or through some other sin like pride, greed, etc, and suits his own desires.

When a man rapes a woman, he robs her of dignity causing suffering, he treats her as an object instead of as a human. He may harm her physically in other ways causing more suffering. The woman’s family suffers as they learn of what happened to her. The woman may have concieved a child out of that rape, and children, especially in some third world countries are treated as outcasts, causing more suffering. The rapist rejects God’s law that he should not commit fornication or adultery, rejecting Truth by trying to justify his actions in his own mind (victim mentality), and suits his own desires.

When a corporate executive greedily wheels and deals to make more money for himself illegitimately, he hurts the company that employs potentially thousands of men and women supporting their families. When the company goes under as a result, we know what happens - thousands of families suffer.

Ordinary people waste money and resources, spending sometimes thousands of dollars on the care of pets, but won’t give $100 to a charitable organization. Or they spend $300 on a bar tab, or have many toys in life that aren’t necessary. We look at the excesses on one side of the world and don’t see what is lacking on the other end of the world - it is simply someone else’s problem.

The list could go on and on and I think you see the pattern. Stop the immorality, stop the sin, get people to be more charitable, giving, and virtuous and suffering begins to decline.

God will not make anyone do anything they don’t want to do. Each of us has the moral code written within us and like muscles in a body builder, it must be exercised to be seen. Some just wish not to do this and what you see “out there” is not the hand of God, but the hand of humankind.

Does this help?
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