Why is Spiritual Contact via a Psychic Bad?

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I was in an accident with a semi-truck on March 1, 2001 and by the grace of GOD, was somehow saved. I was told my little Honda Prelude should have been crushed but somehow my car got mangled enough with the semi’s trailer that it kept my car from being crushed. I had a head and eye injury and since that time have had some psychic experiences. I am now a big fan of John Edward, who by the way is a Roman Catholic. My question is why is this bad? My faith has been magnified 100x due to my experience and by listening to John Edward.

Anyone has a take on this?
By the way, I frequently go to mass on both Saturday and Sunday! :0)
“Do not go to mediums or consult fortune-tellers, for you will be defiled by them. I the Lord, am your God.” Lev 19:31

In I Samuel 28 Saul consults the witch of Endor to conjure up Samuel. Samuel tells Saul of his impending doom & Saul fell into despair.

Bottom line is that:
  1. God has told us NOT to practice divination.
  2. the Catechism states in 2116: All forms of divination are to be rejected. . . all conceal a desire for power over time, history and in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
  3. It has been observed also, sorry I can’t remember the source, that divination opens us up to evil spirits and closes us off from God.
I don’t know what to say about your particular situation except to pray for guidance from God.

Thanks for the reply and GREAT advice. I don’t go to psychics but I can’t help but like and listen to John Edward because I believe his gift is one from GOD.

I will never do anything to jeapordize my Catholic standing but do like to build my faith in every way possible.
John Edwards is a fake. He has employees planted in the audiences who listen to people and then tell him what to say. Also, if you watch closely, he uses a technique of broadcasting guesses and then watches the reaction when he gets a hit, which enables him to expand on and draw out his subject.

That aside, if you believe you are having psychic experiences, I strongly suggest you discuss them with your priest or a spiritual advisor whom you trust. There may be nothing inherently wrong with what you are experiencing, but a spiritual advisor can help you to deal with them and discern if they are truly from God.

I will keep you in my prayers.

God Bless,

Am I wrong or is Silvia Brown psychic and she is Catholic ? I think I am right. I also think she grew up going to catholic schools. Was she kicked out of the catholic church?
Thanks for the reply and GREAT advice. I don’t go to psychics but I can’t help but like and listen to John Edward because I believe his gift is one from GOD.

I will never do anything to jeapordize my Catholic standing but do like to build my faith in every way possible.
Our God is not a God of confusion. He does not give gifts that countermand His Law. Now Satan is the Father of Lies and a liar from the beginning. He’s quite clever and can appear as an angel of light. He counterfeits all God’s gifts. 1John 4: 1-3 is a warning. One way to test a spirit is to hold it up to scripture. If it contradicts God’s revealed Word, look out! 1John tells us that many false prophets have gone out into the world.
These folks may have been baptized Catholic, but they dont adhere to its tenants,NAMELY IGNORING the churches teachings on mediumship. BOTH in interviews do not hold to purgatory, etc…and they NEVER talk about any loved ones being in purgatory, needing prayer, etc…they’re the run of the mill…nobody is in hell or purgatory psychics…never advocating prayer, the saints, etc…everyone who dies is “happy”…even suicides are living it up… theres no money to be made in the psychic game by telling people there is a God, Devil, Heaven, Hell and purgatory, and sometimes people dont go to heaven…
There is no denying “psychic events” occur, but we must be very careful as to the origin – just as we are careful with Marian apparitions. If psychic/spiritual phenomenon occurs, it could be a true gift from God or deception from the evil one.

Where evil can find an open door is when we (even with good intentions) summon the dead. We should never do this. The responses received are almost always Satan or demons masquerading as the intended dead person(s).

Consider it an ouija board without the box.
In addition to the reasons stated in the catechism to avoid mediums:

There’s 3 logical possibilites
  1. The medium is a fraud
  2. The medium is sincere but is transmitting information created by her own psyche
  3. The medium is transmitting genuine information from some source outside herself.
We can write off cases 1 & 2, so only case 3 would be of interest. Let’s say she is getting genuine information. What is the source of the information?

If it is coming from a spirit, what reason do we have to assume that it is benevolent? Most New Age afficionados who traffic with “spirit guides” take it on faith that any spirit they get in touch with is good, if it’s not spewing overt mayhem. (If we can lie and put on an act, I’m sure a spirit can, too, if so inclined.) Or because contact with the spirit creates feelings of warmth and love in the medium, they assume the spirit is projecting that love, and is therefore good.(These feelings can be caused by manipulating a person’s brain chemistry. Also,one’s feelings about something don’t necessarily tell one anything about the thing itself. A lady recently was mutilated by a bear when she tried to pet it. No doubt just prior to this, she had feelings of affection for the animal. She learned the hard way that although the bear caused her to feel love, it did not mean that the bear was therefore emanating love.)

Any info coming from an unknown & possibly hostile source is suspect!

Sylvia Brown uses “mentalist” techniques that more honest magicians have used for ages. One such techniques is what I think professional magicians call “cold readings”. I have known people who were not magicians or psychic but who were very skilled at this. It’s all based on psychology and probability.

Watch carefully how Sylvia works. She talks to the person she’s “reading”, and suggests some things that are very common to the human experience - a loved one that has died, for example. She tentatively throws in some details about age or gender, and watches the person’s reaction before going on with more “details”. If the reaction is negative, she modifies what she’s said (the mark says: “No; I can’t think of any men I know who’ve passed on who have red hair.” Sylvia: “Well, this is someone who was connected with a family member of yours who has crossed over…” the mark: “Ohhh…I think I remember Aunt Julie saying her father had red hair”) She lets people feed her information without realizing they are doing so, then expands on it.

People like to think they and their life situations are unique, but performers like Brown play upon the fact that there will be many commonalities between people, and it is possible to make a guess that if A,B, and C is true about someone, then C, D, and E are very likely to be true as well. And when she gets a complete miss, I have heard her say…“Well it is so – trust me, I’m the psychic.”

A good performance is about 50% raw chutzpah!
Yes Mary K your so right. I have watched her and she always tells people the same thing meanng if they are sick it is in the stomach region or something like that. If she is that good why didn’t she tell Montell he had MS? Or will they say she did.
Edwards is a joke

“How many people here know someone thats died?”
hands go up

“Ok, ok, now I’m seeing fire, so a gunshot perhaps?”

more hands, he approaches one

“Yes, now I’m seeing an H do you know anyone with an H”

**nods, the middle name of my great uncle is Hugo"

“Ok, I think thats him, Hugo… he wants me to tell you that he is ok. and that you are doing fine.”

Thank you John! Crying
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