Why is the media so hateful and unobjective and what can be done about it

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Yesterday I came across a video from ITV in the UK which had Caroline Farrow (Catholic blogger) and a woman who had a disabled child which died from a degenerative disease debating whether a three parent child would be a good idea. What baffled me was how this interview was set up. It was emotional vs rational. How was the Catholic blogger ever going to win this debate? How can Catholics make better appearances on Media? It drives me up the wall that “Catholic” are almost always portrayed as backwards and loonies at least here in the UK.

Three parent embryos
Because we stand in the way of their agenda. Plain and simple.
These days Satan is raging in all aspects of our lives. Most politicians, media, entertainment industries, etc., are his pawns.
Be on watch, pray pray pray and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Ask for discernment, judgment, wisdom and for a clean heart
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