This commentary is more about our temptation to hire a lawyer when we have marital issues and that can only erupt into a court battle which is against Saint Paul’s letter to the Corinthians when he says you shall not put forth your arguments in front of pagan judges. It’s really easy nowadays to get a annulment to have people especially even other Catholics that maybe have fallen into worldly desires to say oh yeah that’s okay you can just divorce. Especially in the women who are weaker and it’s so easy nowadays to just get a job because there’s equal rights for women now so women really don’t at first realize any trouble but then as it goes on and on you start to realize whoa what is this about? That’s why hiring an attorney is just such a bad idea. First of all you’re paying someone to be your friend and why would you even do that in the first place but all these attorneys they’re just in it for the money and they’re not good people of character and wisdom. They don’t study scripture they don’t care about social justice so why are you bringing them in your family matters? It’s much easier just to say the rosary go to mass and go to confession. We have this fantasy that marriage is supposed to be some sort of Endless Summer but it’s really not if you look back hundreds of years even in the Victorian era and stuff women didn’t have bank accounts they didn’t have many possessions this is all just new stuff and we just take it for granted like oh well if he doesn’t share everything with me he’s just you know I need to get a job I need to have what he has. But as you can see riches don’t make anybody happy not even men. The riches are their Earthly reward they don’t get anything else. They don’t get a nice car and Heaven they don’t get a nice house in heaven unless it’s a spiritual house that’s grown from their spiritual practices and deeds. Now how many people would hear this in court absolutely no no one would hear words like this in Court actually the judge would probably just nix it and so if we can’t talk like this in court why are we hiring lawyers and why are we wasting our time talking about horrible laws because divorce shouldn’t even be legal. Now If divorce were no longer legal you wouldn’t hear so many people talking about lawyers on forums. They wouldn’t worry be like okay I need to work this out what do I do here is my spiritual weapons. But since we’ve been given that quote-unquote option of divorce now people are like well maybe I should just do this because it’s just easier and my friends won’t like me if I stay in it you know if I have a frown on my face cuz I’m trying to deal with my problems so I better just lawyer up. But we know in our heart that divorce is wrong we know that these fake annulments are wrong. There’s this little place in our heart that tells us this isn’t right. And the priests are all too easy to grant them nowadays. They’re not any better than the Civil judges or the lawyers. So in conclusion stay far far away from lawyers or anyone that recommends them. It’s far better to study Catholic Social teaching and to spread the gospel.
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