Why Jesus visited many muslim countries?

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I’m confused. Islam wasn’t founded until long after Jesus’ earthly death. There were no Muslim countries in the first century AD because there was no Islam.
Umm he didn’t. Like the previous poster said, Islam didn’t exist at the time (it started in the 7th century), and the Middle East didn’t become Islamised until after Muhammad’s death, following the Muslim conquest of the region and the subsequent Arabisation policies of the Ummayad Caliphate. All of this is centuries after Jesus.

Before the Muslim conquest, the people of the Middle East mostly spoke Aramaic. You’ll still find Aramaic influences in the grammar and vocabulary of the languages of the region, such as in Lebanese and Syrian. There are villages in Syria that still speak Turoyo, an Aramaic dialect similar to the one Jesus spoke. Aramaic persisted in the Lebanese mountains until the 18th century, when it got stamped out by the Ottomans.

For a final point, Jesus lived in the Middle East. He didn’t visit anywhere, He was already there.
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None of these countries were Islamic at the time of Jesus. Again, Islam wasn’t to appear until centuries later.

Syria was an important center of Byzantine Christianity for centuries. I recently read that one reason early Islamic caliphs were so tolerant was because they ruled over vast populations of Christians in newly-conquered Middle Eastern territories and didn’t want to risk a rebellion. The area was to become Islamic somewhat gradually, with time and encouragement from the caliphs.
Jesus visited Egypt because the angel told his father Joseph to take Jesus and Mary there for their own safety. It was the nearest place they could go where King Herod wouldn’t kill Jesus and Joseph could find some work to support them all until they could go back home. It was also right across the border from Israel, so it was accessible.

Syria in the time of Jesus wsa the Roman province north and northwest of Israel. Scripture (Matthew 4:24) suggests Jesus went there, which would have been reasonable given its location right across the border from Israel.

I don’t believe Jesus went to Iraq. St. Thomas is said to have brought Christianity there after Jesus ascended to Heaven. I don’t believe he went to Turkey either; his apostles and disciples spread the faith in what is now Turkey after Jesus’ ascension.

As already explained to you, none of these countries were Islamic as Islam wasn’t even invented for several centuries after Jesus.
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Because he wants to teach them the one thing that Muslims don’t believe about Jesus that’s the most important thing about him, that he died for their sins.
Jesus couldn’t have directly taught them that, because Islam wasn’t in existence yet. But his directive to go forth and teach all nations, which his Apostles tried to do later, resulted in Christianity spreading to those countries.
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