Why must we till the earth?

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Why must we till the earth; develop it, cultures, societies, etc. if it’s just gonna be gone and replaced with something better (the new heaven/earth)?

Likewise, why is it important that we learn things about this world if we will presumably know everything we need to know after we part from this life?

Thanks in advance 🙂
Why must we till the earth; develop it, cultures, societies, etc. if it’s just gonna be gone and replaced with something better (the new heaven/earth)?

Likewise, why is it important that we learn things about this world if we will presumably know everything we need to know after we part from this life?

Thanks in advance 🙂
See when God told Adam to till the land it was meant in the meaning of a Priest. Spread the good news, etc. Adam was to have Children and live in a world full of God and his goodness. Before original sin came into the world.
Why must we till the earth; develop it, cultures, societies, etc. if it’s just gonna be gone and replaced with something better (the new heaven/earth)?
As long as we’re in this life, we are to try to make it better–because people do better with full stomachs and others to help them when things go wrong. Our life is not meaningless here and now. Despair and slothfulness are both destructive to human beings–to mind, body and soul. And this world isn’t totally corrupt. The new earth will be fashioned from the old. What is good will no doubt be saved, for just like us it is wounded not worthless.
Likewise, why is it important that we learn things about this world if we will presumably know everything we need to know after we part from this life?
The operative word in your question is “presumably.” If we have opportunities to improve ourselves and others we should do it. Learning facts isn’t all there is to it. Can a doctor aid patients if he doesn’t go to medical school? Can a teacher help students learn if he is ignorant himself? Can we know right doctrine if we don’t bother to read what the Church tells about it? We are to serve one another in this life and the best way to do that is to educate ourselves to the best of our ability to learn.
Thanks in advance 🙂
You’re welcome. Others will have better answers, but that’s what occurs to me off the top of my head.
Why must we till the earth; develop it, cultures, societies, etc. if it’s just gonna be gone and replaced with something better (the new heaven/earth)?

Likewise, why is it important that we learn things about this world if we will presumably know everything we need to know after we part from this life?

Thanks in advance 🙂
Yeah, why we should be here when our sins are forgiven?
So we can continue to live in a state of grace with God in our life and do the work he wills us to do.
Apparently you are in place of gift, there are people in state of torture, so I am defending their potion.
Apparently you are in place of gift, there are people in state of torture, so I am defending their potion.
Are you? How? By telling them their suffering is meaningless? I pity you and them if that’s what you believe.

The Incarnation of Christ made all suffering meaningful, for we can join our sufferings to his for the benefit of ourselves and others. Those who embrace their suffer endure it far better than those who kick against what cannot be changed. Suffering teaches us to cling to God, and shows us that by ourselves we are not invinsible nor are we the center of everything, but rather God has that place.

Besides, the OP didn’t bring that up, but rather asked the question: what is the meaning of striving to achieve anything in this life, which we are answering, so please stick to the topic. 🙂
Are you? How? By telling them their suffering is meaningless? I pity you and them if that’s what you believe.
Well, thanks for feeling pity for me.
The Incarnation of Christ made all suffering meaningful, for we can join our sufferings to his for the benefit of ourselves and others. Those who embrace their suffer endure it far better than those who kick against what cannot be changed. Suffering teaches us to cling to God, and shows us that by ourselves we are not invinsible nor are we the center of everything, but rather God has that place.
Suffering is only meaningful is it is attached to a goal with the aim to become stronger and better. There are apparently people and animal in state of misery. You are apparently not one of them. How you could justify this situation?
Besides, the OP didn’t bring that up, but rather asked the question: what is the meaning of striving to achieve anything in this life, which we are answering, so please stick to the topic. 🙂
Well, thanks for feeling pity for me.
I did write “if.”
Suffering is only meaningful is it is attached to a goal with the aim to become stronger and better.
That’s fine if that’s possible, but what if it isn’t?
There are apparently people and animal in state of misery. You are apparently not one of them. How you could justify this situation?
And how do you know if I am suffering or not? Please don’t presume.

Everyone suffers from something and everyone will experience suffering of one kind or another. We live in a fallen world–that cannot be changed except through faith in Christ–the kind that works toward bettering ourselves and the lot of others.

If we embrace our sufferings and offer them with those of Christ, they will lift us above ourselves. If we don’t, we suffer only. It’s that simple. It’s not a coincidence, I think that embracing our cross was the Gospel reading today. Here is a very short meditation on it from The Imitartion of Christ: dailygospel.org/main.php?language=AM&module=commentary&localdate=20150219.

The topic of suffering has been discussed in many, many threads. It’s not the topic of this thread. You should search for those threads, if you want to discuss it further, so we don’t take this one off topic. That’s all I have to say about it.
People have to ASK for forgiveness.
We are not responsible for coming into this world according to your belief. This is a place of sin. I think that the duty of authority to answer this question that why I should ask for forgiveness in order to be released. Moreover, why those who are in state of belief and ask for forgiveness should be still here, detached from their God.
Acknowledging their weakness.
This is arrogance to expect that people should acknowledge their weakness in order to get the benefit.
Many arrogant people never ask.
Apparently that is very definition of your God rather than people.
That’s fine if that’s possible, but what if it isn’t?
That is my question. There are people who are not aware of your belief or don’t believe your belief. Why they should be state of useless suffering?
That is my question. There are people who are not aware of your belief or don’t believe your belief. Why they should be state of useless suffering?
Yes, why should they when they could have Christ who would elevate their sufferings into graces? We need to tell them they can have that, then, don’t we?

All we do in life ought to tend towards love of God and neighbor. The best way to help our neighbor is to introduce him to faith in Christ.
There is only one God. My God is the same as your God.
If we refuse to apologize to a spouse or a friend, or an employer, then that is arrogance.
God is no different. He loves unconditionally, but yet we continually question Him, ignore Him or do things that hurt Him.
You are assuming that suffering happens only to believers.
Suffering is pretty much caused by people, hoisted upon other people.
People caused Jesus great pain on Calvary. Yet, He still loves. I’ll take that God any day.
Yes, why should they when they could have Christ who would elevate their sufferings into graces?
They don’t simply believe. They have their own Gods who promise them otherwise. This is a one way road and you are judged upon your death. How could we be so sure?
We need to tell them they can have that, then, don’t we?
That is what they are trying to do but you are not listening. How you could justify your belief? I think that the very last question that we will be asked, otherwise things are not just in the place of divine justice.
There is only one God. My God is the same as your God.
Why we are so dispersed then?
If we refuse to apologize to a spouse or a friend, or an employer, then that is arrogance.
God is no different.
That is quite alright.
He loves unconditionally, but yet we continually question Him, ignore Him or do things that hurt Him.
Then why you confess to him?
You are assuming that suffering happens only to believers.
I didn’t say so. I did say that only believer get the advantage of suffering.
And this world isn’t totally corrupt. The new earth will be fashioned from the old. What is good will no doubt be saved, for just like us it is wounded not worthless.
So, is it not so much that the world will be “blown to bits” and replaced with the new world, but the present world we live in will be a “glorified version” of it? Now, I know our physical contributions to the world (a physical city, a physical work of art, etc.) will be gone in the new world (right?), but will something of them remain? I read something in the catechism about this…

1050 "When we have spread on earth the fruits of our nature and our enterprise . . . according to the command of the Lord and in his Spirit, we will find them once again, cleansed this time from the stain of sin, illuminated and transfigured, when Christ presents to his Father an eternal and universal kingdom.“643 God will then be “all in all” in eternal life.”
So, is it not so much that the world will be “blown to bits” and replaced with the new world, but the present world we live in will be a “glorified version” of it? Now, I know our physical contributions to the world (a physical city, a physical work of art, etc.) will be gone in the new world (right?), but will something of them remain? I read something in the catechism about this…

1050 "When we have spread on earth the fruits of our nature and our enterprise . . . according to the command of the Lord and in his Spirit, we will find them once again, cleansed this time from the stain of sin, illuminated and transfigured, when Christ presents to his Father an eternal and universal kingdom.“643 God will then be “all in all” in eternal life.”
I’m not sure if the Great Pyramids will still be standing or not, and things of that nature. If there is eternal value in any of our works, I can see how they would remain. Did you see: “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan?” Remember the Genesis Effect? I imagine it will be something like that. A new matrix will replace the old, but in the case of the new earth, what was good in the old will remain. That’s how I envision it, anyway. 🙂
Why must we till the earth; develop it, cultures, societies, etc. if it’s just gonna be gone and replaced with something better (the new heaven/earth)?

Likewise, why is it important that we learn things about this world if we will presumably know everything we need to know after we part from this life?
In short: We now have time, and we have to spend it somehow. We might as well spend it well.
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