Why No Woman Among The 12 Disciples

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When Jesus started nominating his disciples, he never choose a woman. Is this because woman was the first sinner or not fit to a disciple ?
There were no women among the 12 Apostles who became the first priests and then bishops of the Church.

There were many women among the disciples, the two most prominent of which were Martha and Mary. Some disciples after Pentecost and the Lord’s Ascension in to Heaven became deacons, priests and probably later even bishops.
Ask Jesus when you see Him. I suspect He had a very good reason for it.
Ray Marshall:
There were no women among the 12 Apostles who became the first priests and then bishops of the Church.

There were many women among the disciples, the two most prominent of which were Martha and Mary. Some disciples after Pentecost and the Lord’s Ascension in to Heaven became deacons, priests and probably later even bishops.
you are not implying that women were ordained, are you?
When Jesus started nominating his disciples, he never choose a woman. Is this because woman was the first sinner or not fit to a disciple ?
Are you trying to start a riot?

No. Most commentators are of the opinion that Jesus was setting an example for an all-male priesthood.

By the way, in the Adam and Eve story, Eve is an analog of the Woman Type for “mankind in need of salvation.” She stands for all of us sinning imperfect human slobs, men and women.

Adam receiving and eating the forbidden fruit isn’t the first man committing his first sin after woman beats him to the punch. It is a picture of Christ “becoming sin” foreshadowing sinless Christ volunteering to be treated as though He were Sin, itself, to purchase our salvation. See 2 Corinthians 5:21.
When Jesus started nominating his disciples, he never choose a woman. Is this because woman was the first sinner or not fit to a disciple ?
Bishops and priests are the successors of the Apostles. They stand en persona Christi. Ordination is reserved for men because they stand in the person of Christ.
But if look among the twelve disciples there seemed no woman mentioned. Mary and Martha can be among the many followers but not the real chosen disciples to carry Jesus ministry.
Ray Marshall:
There were no women among the 12 Apostles who became the first priests and then bishops of the Church.

There were many women among the disciples, the two most prominent of which were Martha and Mary. Some disciples after Pentecost and the Lord’s Ascension in to Heaven became deacons, priests and probably later even bishops.
Good Comment !
Are you trying to start a riot?

No. Most commentators are of the opinion that Jesus was setting an example for an all-male priesthood.

By the way, in the Adam and Eve story, Eve is an analog of the Woman Type for “mankind in need of salvation.” She stands for all of us sinning imperfect human slobs, men and women.

Adam receiving and eating the forbidden fruit isn’t the first man committing his first sin after woman beats him to the punch. It is a picture of Christ “becoming sin” foreshadowing sinless Christ volunteering to be treated as though He were Sin, itself, to purchase our salvation. See 2 Corinthians 5:21.
When Jesus started nominating his disciples, he never choose a woman. Is this because woman was the first sinner or not fit to a disciple ?
Nope. Girls have cooties.
Men and women are different. We were created different and that doesn’t have to mean better vs worse or fit vs unfit. The women were absolutely disciples of Christ, and worthy disciples as well. Christ first appeared to women after the Resurrection, a pretty important role in the history of the Church. Mary was conceived without Original Sin, the only one ever conceived in such a manner (Adam and Eve, while also not having original sin, were created, not conceived). This seems like a pretty big honor for a woman.

OK, so why no woman apostle? Because women have a different role in the Church. An important role, but a different role. The priesthood is for ordained men as the act “in persona Christi”.

I mean the first day he choses his disciples not after or during his ministry. Thanx anyway for replying !
Men and women are different. We were created different and that doesn’t have to mean better vs worse or fit vs unfit. The women were absolutely disciples of Christ, and worthy disciples as well. Christ first appeared to women after the Resurrection, a pretty important role in the history of the Church. Mary was conceived without Original Sin, the only one ever conceived in such a manner (Adam and Eve, while also not having original sin, were created, not conceived). This seems like a pretty big honor for a woman.

OK, so why no woman apostle? Because women have a different role in the Church. An important role, but a different role. The priesthood is for ordained men as the act “in persona Christi”.

The answer is the same, because women have a different role to play.

And, it wouldn’t really be appropriate for a woman, married or unmarried, to be traveling with a group of men, would it? No, even with Christ, scandal was something to be taken into account. It’s a sin that our culture has forgotten and denies exists.

Honestly, it takes some time…but once you’ve listened to Christopher West’s “Naked Without Shame” on The Theology of the Body (it only costs $4), it becomes quite clear how important women are in the eyes of the Church.

CARose is absolutely correct…woman has a separate and essential role to play in life, one that is much better (imo) than that of man. I have never felt more blessed to be a woman than after I heard those CDs, and I have raised my daughter to be proud to be female and Catholic, she is very fortunate.

So, no, there were no women chosen to be apostles when Jesus set about selecting the Twelve His Father chose for His mission. But there were women disciples, as noted already, Martha and Mary Magdalene were two. I always figured the Samaritan woman was another after she met Him at the well.

But never forget that God chose a woman to host His Incarnation. Do you not comprehend the significance of that choice???

God could have come to Earth in a variety of ways, and yet He chose to develop in the womb of a woman for she is that valued in His eyes. Granted, the Mother of Jesus is the Immaculate Conception, since she was to host the Son of Man, but all women share in her joy and sufferings. She is the New Eve.

Woman completed the Creation, saving the best for last.

The Church is the Bride of Christ, fashioned after Woman as bride of Man. Christ will never leave His Church and will always love Her, for a bride is to be revered, protected, treasured, honored.

These are just a few of the concepts the CDs delve into…it’s an eye opener for certain. The Catholic Church seems to be the ONLY institution out there which recognizes the true value of women to mankind and to salvation.
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