Abortion in the United States is primarily a means by which fertile women can have sex without the perceived consequences of becoming a mother. As such, it primarily is a means of avoiding the consequences of one’s prior choices. Here is my rationale:
- Rape accounts for ≤1% of all abortions. Rape is illegal and a criminal offense.
- Pregnancy is an objective and predictable consequence of consensual sexual intercourse between a fertile male and a fertile female.
- All women receiving abortions are fertile, or were at the time of conception.
- All methods of birth control have nonzero failure rates (see, for example, Trussell 2011).
- Pregnancy would not take place but for sexual intercourse or sexual activities that expose the vagina to semen.
- 50% of women receiving abortions were using contraception at the time they were getting pregnant. The majority in Planned Parenthood v. Casey explicitly cite abortion as a way to avoid life disruption in the event of contraceptive failure as a rationale for upholding Roe v. Wade.