Why Religion?

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I’m not here to anger anyone by the way.
I just want to HELP I want you to question what you usually wouldnt.
I wonder sometimes if you people ever think for yourselves?

Most religions preach love, and yet, their purpose is to confuse and misinform people for two reasons: money and the power of manipulating people. Their tool is frequently fear, which they induce to get control. For example, the Catholic Church removed reincarnation from the bible and included Satan, so they could murder and torture people in the name of God and love, apparently “fighting” Satan. Most wars are a direct consequence of religious “brainwashing”.

When you seek true love you do not go to a prostitute. When you truly seek God, you do not go to an institution that makes business by claiming to represent God. (I hope you remember this next time the money basket comes around).Do you think that God honestly needs a proxy?

All religions, cults, sects etc. are truly dangerous. They have been created after great men (Christ, Buddha etc.) died, by people with only 2 things in mind: money and power. Religions are a true curse on Earth, because they are the source of spiritual misinformation. They constipate people with fear, propaganda and rituals to the point that people stop thinking and follow the flock.

There is NOTHING to fear about this world, NOTHING to fear about god, if there was anything to fear it would be our own ignorance. Remember that fear is the easiest feeling to induce, and it paralyses your logic. For centuries priests and governments have used fear techniques to control the flock. Anyone who promotes fear is not aware of the Universal Law.

“The Kingdom of God is within you” as it says in the Bible, which once upon a time contained lots of other good information. Unfortunately, many essential things were removed by priests who feared that people might become enlightened, fully independent and impossible to brainwash and control.

Why pay money for anything that fascinates you with false info , false teachings, etc. When you can look within for the truth?
Why follow a religion, what are your reasons?
The Barrister:
Can you atleast answer my question?
I did nothing wrong.
Deleting or locking this post…wouldn’t that prove me right?
I’m just trying to throw a question yet to be answered…sorry to offend you people but please atleast think about it…question what you’re doing.
I don’t mean to offend you, either, but most of what you posted is a lot of tripe. It is YOU dear confused soul that is brainwashed. Nothing you wrote is in any way original. We people of faith have heard the same old whining from people who are angry like you all our lives. My advise to you is to grow up and see things as they really are instead of falling for any old story/line that suits your angst. Poor deluded thing! 😦
I don’t mean to offend you, either, but most of what you posted is a lot of tripe. It is YOU dear confused soul that is brainwashed. Nothing you wrote is in any way original. We people of faith have heard the same old whining from people who are angry like you all our lives. My advise to you is to grow up and see things as they really are instead of falling for any old story/line that suits your angst. Poor deluded thing! 😦
Actually I am not angry. I’m actually a pretty happy person. Thanks for sympathizing tho, but did you hear me yell or express anger in any way? I was not whining I just want you to question what you’re doing?
Do you really think that it is me who is a confused soul that is brainwashed when I follow no religion at all? Could you not be a confused person? No one told me this I found that on an original unique site about extra-terrestrials, but please not that I did not believe it immediately I thought about it first and read their books which by the way were FREE. So yes it was true that it was un-original but I was using it as inspiration for an example.
I used to go to church, both my parents were different in every way one was catholic the other christian so I got to experience both churches. They seemed so wrong from the very beggining especially when they spoke of hell, and fear of god.
But please look at only the point of what I’m trying to say.
Why is it that people who are against religion believe we can’t think for ourselves? All that info that you spurted out-did you study and discover that yourself, or did you read it somewhere and believe what you were told? We all rely on other people/sources for information, but it is up to us to make the final decision on what we do and don’t believe.

You said you weren’t here to make people angry, so please tell us why you are here. Are you here to truly learn something about Jesus and His Church and the Body of Christ, or are you here to start controvery and pull people away from Christ?

Scout :tiphat:
If there was anything to fear it would be our own ignorance.
Exactly. I want to know everything I possibly can about God and the nature of the world. The greatest storehouse of information is held within the deposit of faith revealed to the Catholic church.



I noticed:
  1. You claim God is within you (and all others).
  2. You cite something from an extra-terrestial site for your spiritual information.
  3. You say people who profess a religion are “non-thinkers”, they have been brainwashed.
  4. You say you came on this site to help others - help others to WHAT?
    So far you have said there is a God, so you are not an Atheist. But then you say to look within to learn about God - why not learn Algebra that way…look within!
**I ask you a question, “What will happen to you when you physically die”?:tiphat: **
I’m assuming you had a bad experience with religion. That is to be expected, because religious organizations are run by people and people are not perfect. You will find corruption whereever you look - religious or non religious. However, corruption in one church does not speak for that religion as a whole or for religions in general. People are to blame for corruption.

My religion does discuss peace and love, but its intent is not to misinform or control others - no religion does that. People do. There is no “leader” of my religion, no central hierarchy, no real dogma. I can worship as I choose, and can find the Divine within and without of myself. I practice on my own, and have free thought. I’m not forced to give my money to anyone and am certainly not brainwashed. I don’t believe in Satan and certainly am not looking for him everywhere. I consider myself Wiccan because being a part of that religion and studying it, gives me a base for my faith, provides a support group of like-minded people to turn to for advice, etc. The same goes for any other religion (not the same beliefs, but support, information, etc.)

As a former Catholic, I can certainly say I was not “brainwashed” either. Donations were welcome but not required and I didn’t lose my free thought and wasn’t control.

Exactly what is your purpose here? And I am curious about your ET website where you got your “spiritual” information. What does the ET have to do with religion? Or is it just preaching against religion?

P.S. Give me one good reason of why I shouldn’t be religious.
Exporter said:

I noticed:
  1. You claim God is within you (and all others).
  2. You cite something from an extra-terrestial site for your spiritual information.
  3. You say people who profess a religion are “non-thinkers”, they have been brainwashed.
  4. You say you came on this site to help others - help others to WHAT?
    So far you have said there is a God, so you are not an Atheist. But then you say to look within to learn about God - why not learn Algebra that way…look within!
**I ask you a question, “What will happen to you when you physically die”?:tiphat: **
  1. Correct, you don’t believe me? Why is that so un-believable?
  2. Yes, it was more than an ET site, it spoke of astral travel, aura seeing, spiritual development, and much more. What is so wrong about believeing in et’s do you honestly think we on earth are the only things god would create? There are other creatures besides us on earth, why not on other planets?
  3. Not exactly, but just about.
    4.Help others to be free, to find truth, within themselves, to stop wasting their money or time.
  4. Actually isn’t that how algebra was invented? It might not be needed if we didn’t have something such as money(another curse to our earth which has caused more destruction than religion)
    6.It depends on what happens when you die, it depends on how much you learned, how much you developed spiritually.
    This has to do with reincarnation which I’m sure most of you don’t believe. If you accomplished alot, learned alot, developed spiritualy, you will be one with the high intellect(call him what you want god, the lord, etc.) . Other wise you would be reborn, possibly on another planet, to learn and hopefully develop yourself spiritually not physically.
You come here, take off your glove, slap us in the face (“I wonder sometimes if you people ever think for yourselves? Most religions preach love, and yet, their purpose is to confuse and misinform people for two reasons: money and the power of manipulating people”), and then expect to have a civil discourse on the “necessity” of religion?

If you wanted to have a civil discourse on your first post, then you would have been civil in your first post. Your post was offensive, cheap and disingenuous.

And ignoring you only proves that you deserve to be ignored.
Oh, and I LOVED the bit about “the Catholic Church removed reincarnation from the bible”—heh heh heh. You ought to think for yourself, and not simply repeat this old charge (advanced by that theological genius, Shirley McClaine) without providing evidence for it. Evidence, my dear, evidence!

You wrote: " Most wars are a direct consequence of religious “brainwashing”.

This is simply untrue. If you wish to spout the usual old and tired cliches about religion, while wrapping yourself in the mantle of enlightened thinking, then be a big boy and come prepared with credible sources and references to back up your cliches. Evidence, please.

You wrote: “All religions, cults, sects etc. are truly dangerous.”

Compared to…what? The murderous atheist regimes that killed more in just a scant 100 years than had previously been killed in centuries and centuries of conflict? Get real…and break open a history book while you’re at it.

I would also suggest breaking open the “Summa Theologica” by the great philosopher Thomas Aquinas. After studying it for a few years (if you are capable of it) THEN see if you can denigrate the intellects of the religious.

Is there such a thing as “truth”? If so, is it knowable?

Gee, let me guess that you’re young and unmarried…I used to sound like this myself at one point in my life. But I managed to grow up, and so let that provide some hope for you…
There is NOTHING to fear about this world, NOTHING to fear about god, if there was anything to fear it would be our own ignorance.
“I tell you my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.” Luke 12:4-6
What about missionaries who give up everything to live under alien slies to help people? I suppose they’re in it for the money. Before I returned to the Church I had a lot of quetions that were answered. I was not hypnotized.
You said you were here to help others be free, find God within themselves, and stop wasting their money. Forgive me, but what difference does it make to you if we want to give our hard-earned money to the Church or to the local pauper down the street? Why does it matter to you how and why we choose to worship God? If you were as enlightened as you claim to be, then you’d accept us as having a different faith/belief system than yours and would be more “tolerant” and accepting. Or does the god inside you tell you you’re better and smarter than everyone else here?

Scout :tiphat:
Michael C:
What about missionaries who give up everything to live under alien slies to help people? I suppose they’re in it for the money. Before I returned to the Church I had a lot of quetions that were answered. I was not hypnotized.
Duh, because they’re the brainwashed ones! Giving of yourself to that extent isn’t natural! :rolleyes:


May God Bless you, and the Holy Spirit work in your heart.
Actually this guy was a friend of a person who wrote a book. He was the one that said all of that. He also wrote a book called “The Freedom of Choice” a very interesting book about spirtuality and has an interesting concept of god. LoL I copied and pasted most of it from a FAQ because it was sorta well worded-only a few sentnces were actually mine. But I only did so to make a point. I feel kinda sorry for doing this to you guys but I just wondered how you would reply, what you thought of it, to see if you were all open-minded, and if religions were still doing those sorta things…I see now that they have become more open-minded but…still are sorta teaching false info. I just want to help people, I always have, to lead them to the right path. I knew something was wrong with our society/whole planet and found that site.

Believe it or not it was another race of Humans(et’s from a highly developed planet) who were preaching this. They said that religions, money(our monetary system), pollution, etc. were the main cause of alot of our problems and corruption. It was a very interesting book and not your average alien abduction book. They explain alot of mysteries we have on earth such as the easter egg island, atlantis, and so on. They say we don’t have much time before something will happen to our planet if we don’t change and fix the pollution, corruption problems, stop the wars, etc.(no NOT an invasion).

I really should of approached this differently.
Experience reading one of the most astonishing books ever written on Earth. Key information it contains cannot be found in any other book. Coherence and precision of information is amazing.

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It’s a good read, please if you’re up to it, READ the book, it’s unique and it was meant to help us humans…
I guess that could be my evidence? Since we humans need proof so much …you have to enter your email to apply for your password…I hope this helps…

Oh and using a quote from the bible is proof of how the teach you to fear…no the god inside me does not tell me I am better than everyone here…We are all just as good as eachother, NO MATTER what race…well I really wish I had done this better.
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