I just recently began going to the novus ordo. I was raised only going to the traditional form. Since college it’s just easier to go to the new mass but I am kind of confused why the people are required to say so much, I was always taught only the priest was responsible for the mass and the consecration. And why does the priest face us, it seems he should be facing God in the tabernacle no? It feels like a dialogue more so than a speaking to Christ in the tabernacle. Some other things bother me like ordinary people giving the eucharist. I am not like trying to cause a argument by any means it just a lot of things I was always taught by the priests of the society of saint Pius x is so null in void at the new mass. I feel so insecure with these college students who know everything to a tee and I must seem like I don’t know anything. It sometimes makes me not even want to go to mass because it feels so foreign.