I’m not sure where this thread belongs, so I completely understand if it is moved.
I am a former pagan who is in the process of joining the church. I already love the church and consider myself Catholic. I study everything in depth, pray a lot, and I do not make decisions or join things lightly, so it is a big deal that I call myself Catholic and look forward so much to first confession, communion and confirmation.
However, I have long been baffled that Christians, Catholics first, kept and continue to keep the name Easter for the feast of the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the name of a pagan Goddess.
I know that we adapt the message to the culture, but it’s not like we kept calling Christmas “Saturnalia,” though we do sometimes call it by the Nordic pagan “Yule/Jule.” In the case of Easter it is the name of a goddess!
Not only is it the name of a goddess, but some Archaeology suggests that it is related to other goddessess such as Ostara, Ishtar, Isis, and even Ashera! Ashera is the cult of the supposed wife of God which is denounced repeatedly in the Old Testament.
Anyway, just wondering why we keep it and kept it that way even early on.
I am a former pagan who is in the process of joining the church. I already love the church and consider myself Catholic. I study everything in depth, pray a lot, and I do not make decisions or join things lightly, so it is a big deal that I call myself Catholic and look forward so much to first confession, communion and confirmation.
However, I have long been baffled that Christians, Catholics first, kept and continue to keep the name Easter for the feast of the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the name of a pagan Goddess.
I know that we adapt the message to the culture, but it’s not like we kept calling Christmas “Saturnalia,” though we do sometimes call it by the Nordic pagan “Yule/Jule.” In the case of Easter it is the name of a goddess!
Not only is it the name of a goddess, but some Archaeology suggests that it is related to other goddessess such as Ostara, Ishtar, Isis, and even Ashera! Ashera is the cult of the supposed wife of God which is denounced repeatedly in the Old Testament.
Anyway, just wondering why we keep it and kept it that way even early on.