From Jill Stanek’s column:
"…Ten of the aforementioned senators are pro-abortion (Democrats Byrd, Inouye, Landrieu, Lieberman, Pryor and Salazar; Republicans Chafee, Collins, Snowe, and Warner). Two are pro-life (Republicans Mike DeWine and Lindsey Graham). And two say they are pro-life except when it comes to experimenting on human embryos (Republican John McCain; Democrat Ben Nelson).
The filibustering Democrats appeared to be winning the public-relations war, thanks to smart spin and the “mainstream” media, but they were less than one day away from losing a very big legislative battle on judges.
Republicans planning to bust the filibuster weren’t faring as well in the court of public opinion, but they held the majority and would have won the senate battle itself.
The abortion lobby was clearly pushing its Senate minions to the point of self-destruction, which was why the 10 pro-aborts felt the need to compromise.
The four pro-lifers? It appears they sold pre-born babies out for their own political ambitions, be it for presidential aspirations, or to commit a coup against Majority Leader Frist, or to get something in return from the Dems … whatever. Time will tell.
"…Ten of the aforementioned senators are pro-abortion (Democrats Byrd, Inouye, Landrieu, Lieberman, Pryor and Salazar; Republicans Chafee, Collins, Snowe, and Warner). Two are pro-life (Republicans Mike DeWine and Lindsey Graham). And two say they are pro-life except when it comes to experimenting on human embryos (Republican John McCain; Democrat Ben Nelson).
The filibustering Democrats appeared to be winning the public-relations war, thanks to smart spin and the “mainstream” media, but they were less than one day away from losing a very big legislative battle on judges.
Republicans planning to bust the filibuster weren’t faring as well in the court of public opinion, but they held the majority and would have won the senate battle itself.
The abortion lobby was clearly pushing its Senate minions to the point of self-destruction, which was why the 10 pro-aborts felt the need to compromise.
The four pro-lifers? It appears they sold pre-born babies out for their own political ambitions, be it for presidential aspirations, or to commit a coup against Majority Leader Frist, or to get something in return from the Dems … whatever. Time will tell.