Why this test?

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On a day that I feel like I’m failing this test of life on earth, I find myself wondering again…why is God putting us through this test? Why not just create us in heaven with Him already?

The theologians have lots of explanations for us, but they’re not terribly helpful when we are in the middle of an awful experience. Perhaps it might help to reflect that Jesus did not promise to save us from the trials of life, but he has endured them with us, and he knows what you are going through.

I will say a prayer for you.
If I physically make my daughter hug me, then I get know happiness from that. But if she does it on her own, then I get endless amounts of happiness. God “gets more out of it” so to speak, if he can see us do good on our own instead of him making us do good. There would be no point in rewarding us if WE didn’t do it, but HE did. There is more possible happiness if there is a test, we pass and then the reward. Otherwise, what would the reward be for?
How about these thoughts?

God is LOVE.
Because of that God wants to share that love with others.
But with whom?
There is no one else but Himself since He is the Creator of all things.
So He created mankind in His image.
All good and well, but Love wants love in return.
Pure love does not impose itself on others.
So each person has been given a free will to choose whether to return love to God or keep it for himself.
If God created us without free will, we all be a happy bunch without realizing what it means to practice love.
There is greater happines in sharing and giving away love then just receiving it.
We would just take it for granted and be spoiled brats.
If Love would be denied us, we would not be happy, in fact we will throw tantrums and become unhappy.
And that is exactly what God does not want us to be.

Question from the Baltimore catichism: Why did God make us?
Answer: God made us to show forth his goodness and to share with us His everlasting happiness in heaven.

On a day that I feel like I’m failing this test of life on earth, I find myself wondering again…why is God putting us through this test? Why not just create us in heaven with Him already?

Who told you this life on earth was a test? By what standard are you measuring failure? Where did you get the idea that God is not with you?

Here is an analogy for your consideration. A young man views the courtship of a young woman as a test with the measure of passing as marriage. He meticulously follows all the social rules, romantic dinners, cards, flowers and presents for her father and mother. He sends letters and poetry with verses of undying love. He is so caught up in passing the test and getting to the marriage that he does not take time to enjoy being with the girl. In the end they both are missing out on the opportunities to develop a good relationship that will make a good marriage.

Our life is not a test; it is an opportunity to learn, to grow and to love.

Theologians may be able to explain the reasons for life. I’m just grateful for it. But I do have few thoughts related to your question.

-We are to be crucified to the world. Crucifixiation is a long and agonizing process.
  • Our lives are but a puff of smoke and then it ends.(James)
  • We must take our cross everyday and follow Jesus. So if life is easy, something’s probably wrong.
Chris G
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