It says something about the power of lies portrayed as truth. If the idea is a misrepresentation of the truth, many things can be destroyed. Even with a good intent faith, property and intellect can be destroyed. Remember the Mars Climate Orbiter? Based upon truth being miscommunicated, it was destroyed.
Okay, that was a strange example. Nevertheless, Catholig was siting a specific example, that of intellectual property, or ideas, written and published in books, banned by the Church for heresy and blasphemy. I will grant your point if you can site such a book, banned by the Church, that is a misrepresentation of the truth, rather than a book that was banned simply because it conflicted with accepted Church dogma.
Now based upon the evil of their intent, history is full of people who promote truth as lies. I am talking about truth in general so that you will understand based upon your username. What is the value of truth? Does it have value to you?
Well, truth has value to all human beings, regardless of faith, creed or color, wouldn’t you agree? As for being an Atheist, why do you think that would have any affect on my sense of right and wrong (morals) or my sense of truth (ethics) nor my acceptance of fact (science)?
As for promoting lies as truth? Look closely at Church history (and I do NOT single out the Catholic faith, nor the Christians, NOR the Islamic faith, but ORGANIZED religion as a whole.) You will find your answer there.
If I strongly state that it is a fact that drinking seawater is healthy I can destroy the faith of a person that they shouldn’t. Eventually a person who doesn’t have the time to investigate and is easily led astray will suffer from the lie. This actually happened with some people stranded at sea.
First you have the “theory” that drinking seawater is healthy. But you have to prove this in order for me and the rest of the world to accept it as such (fact.) I can state that eating salt will make you lose weight, but YOU would not believe me until I proved it to you.
“Eventually a person who doesn’t have the time to investigate and is easily led astray will suffer from the lie.”
As good a description of the faithful as I have heard.
We all have faith in science, the future, existence, etc… And to destroy the faith of someone based on lies is wrong and should be always denounced. If I keep telling my kids there is no tomorrow I can destroy their faith in tomorrow and malform their outlook on life. That is sad.
Denounced, yes. Banned, no. No idea should be banned due to the beliefs of a single body, no matter what their intent. If we had allowed this to happen, then we would still be believing that the earth is flat, instead of round (a “theory” that was “denounced” by many in its time.
From an atheistic viewpoint I do not blame you as there is absolutely no positive viewpoint of the Vatican from a non-catholic viewpoint. You will never have a positive view or trustful view of the Vatican if you don’t believe in Catholic good will. So that can be discussed in another thread if you like, as there never is an positive portrayal of the Vatican from an atheistic standpoint.
I believe in the goodwill of ALL humankind. I do not, as it has proven time and time again, of ANY organized religion’s ability to look out for my best interest. The Vatican is not the only religious body to lie to the faithful in order to cover their sins. Church leaders are not divine in any sense of the word. They are men.
Men + unlimited power = the ability to do great harm.