Someone has told me that Bp. Bruskewitz does not allow girls to be altar servers. And supposedly has more vocations than any other diocese in the US. If this is true, it would seem to prove the link between boys being exposed to service at the altar and them realizing a vocation to the priesthood. Other priests have said the same. Yet many (most?) in this country would oppose their diocese doing the same. Why? I mean it’s one thing to wish your little girl could serve on the altar but quite another to do so at the expense of vocations – especially at a time when vocations are so desperately needed!
So, I guess I’m confused about why most want girls to be able to serve as altar servers when the link between altar boys and priestly vocations is so evidenced. It seems people care more about their own desires/agenda than about vocations to the priesthood.
So, I guess I’m confused about why most want girls to be able to serve as altar servers when the link between altar boys and priestly vocations is so evidenced. It seems people care more about their own desires/agenda than about vocations to the priesthood.