Mystery is not a capitulation. Mystery draws us in. We can know God’s designs in an ever deeper way. We can know the meaning of our lives in an ever deeper way.
God reveals his love and his mercy and we can know it.
People lose sight of the basics:
God creates because God is love. Not because God wants love, but because God is love, and love is creative.
Love only exists in freedom. No freedom, no love.
Therefore, that we might be creatures capable of loving, God gives us the freedom to love. There is nothing better than to love.
God does not create us while “worrying” that we might reject him. There is no fear in God. (think of marriage…if parents thought this way, no one would have children, because children will cause pain, and will endure pain, and at the end of their lives they too will die).
Love is a radical orienting of our will to God’s will. Hell only has meaning because love is so good.
We are created out of love, for love.