Hey guys, I’ve been asked a question by a friend and I figured I’d get some perspectives here before answering him. This is the question: -
what would be God’s purpose in creating us - i.e: of what use are we to Him?
To me, taking the definitions of God that we commonly encounter (i.e: Infinite, Omiscient etc) then what reason would God have for making us in the first place? If He was omniscient, then he would know by default that Adam was going to eat the apple, and set us up.
If the whole God/worshipper thing is true, then He’s a cosmic narcissist, setting his toys up in a room and having an imaginary coversation with them. A lonely God that has created a race of arbitrary beings purely to reflect Himself in.
With that in mind, a pantheistic definition of God makes more sense, in that we are an expression of God (i.e: the Universe), but are not His subjects, and thus are not susceptible to damnation or judgment. The Universe “made” us, but had no clue it was doing so, and had no desire for us to exist or not.