President Grover Cleveland admitted that Texas, sorely hurt by drought, needed the aid, and that it would be good for them to receive the help. Yet he vetoed the bill that would have provided it. Why?
Now, Planned Parenthood doesn’t even need government money. Yet it is able to hold government hostage. What a strange turn in the way of government affairs.
I am not sure about Grover issue, but regarding PP defunding, the way I see it, it appears that the whole matter is purely political/ about $$$, and not about morality and the reason is because:
first, I think those who wants to illegalize abortion, they’re not necessarily concern about the immorality of adultery by men, and porn, therefore it is a movement that is not concern about society’s immorality…
Second, I found out that actually federal law allow compensation given for fetal tissue sample for research. Instead of attacking this ruling and/ or the researches who bought the samples, they attack PP funding for women.
Third, PP didn’t tell the mother of the fetus regarding they’re selling the organs of their fetus for research. This is the offence PP committed and can be processed according to the law, however, in my opinion, up to now, not enough attention given to this offence. The attention is diverted to about defunding PP. They then say that the video is “heavily editted” (which is true), then it completes the argument that the whole matter is a set up to defund PP. Therefore PP will not get what it deserve.
fourth, The ruling that allow compensation for fetal tissue is the central moral problem because this ruling legalize buy and sell and making profit out of human organs, by the law. This is about business pressure lobbying the lawmakers and they pass the wrong law. Abortion Issue is separate moral debate.
Public opinion of women consist of 50% of population. Therefore PP is strong. If a movement is set to change the behavior of only women, but not the behavior of men, this movement is seen as a war on women. If we as a church really concern about morality, then pro-life movement must be about changing the behavior of men and women and not cast the burden on women alone. The latter guaranteed will fail at public opinion level.