I do agree with you about young people today, with my job, I get to meet many young people, its surprising to me how they are all so similar, they seem to all feel the same way about things in the world, this was not the case when I was a young person.
I do not agree about TV though, I watch a fair amount of regular network and cable tv, Ive noticed they are still very strict about curse words, Ive even seen some networks censor out the 3 letter word for a donkey!! Ive not seen any that allow stronger language, Im not referring to HBO, or other movie channels, they allow any type of language because they are pay to view, not included in basic cable packages. Basic cable stations are often more strict that network channels when it comes to language.
Plus, I remember back in the 90s, it was a big deal when NYPD Blue showed peoples rear ends on tv…this was in the early 90s, but this is still controversial when it happens today, and we still dont see a whole lot of nudity on tv.
If our society was so secular today, why do they still allow any type of censorship on tv, seems like everyone is so open minded about everything today, companies want to be PC all the time, yet they pay for most tv shows and this includes a great deal of censorship…why has there not been complaints about this? seems like all the young people in the tv and entertainment industry would be calling to end any and all censorship on tv.