Widow's Retreat and talks in August in Steubenville, Ohio

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The Family of Jacopa Association, www.familyjacopa.com is presenting three days of talk’s entitled, “A Widow’s Walk” by Dr. Ronda Chervin, PhD., MA and Marti Armstrong, MS (OFS) in Steubenville, Ohio on August 12 - 14th, 2014. These talks will offer encouragement, comfort and wisdom from the widow Saints. Talks include; speaker’s witness stories, The Widow’s Plight, (Widow’s Roles) Saints who became helpers, penitents and prophetesses, Saints who became contemplatives, religious and foundresses, Jesus as the second bridegroom and Mary, Exalted Widow, Franciscan religious community and Stations of the Cross for Widows.
The Family of Jacopa Association is a new, Franciscan community for Catholic widow’s and single women over 40 years old. We have a Secular group and Sisters (Sisters of Jacopa) living together in common at the Motherhouse and will be invested in the Holy Habit at Novitiate (tunic and veil). We have been approved to start and form since Feb. 2013 by the Episcopal Vicar of the Steubenville Diocese and the Bishop. We are a legal, non-profit, tax-exempt corporation with a Board of Directors.
Please see our website and call for information about coming to the retreat or in joining our community. (740) 314-8455 or address: 124 Buena Vista Blvd., Steubenville, OH 43952 or email: familyjacopa@yahoo.com

Pax et Bonum! Kathleen Ann, FJ (Foundress and Community Servant)
Hello everyone! We still have room for more Catholic widows or women discerning religious life at our August 12-14th retreat in Steubenville, Ohio. Hear Dr. Ronda Chervin and Marti Armstrong give educational and holy talks on widowhood, the Catholic Church and the Franciscan life. If you like share in the prayerlife, meals and recreation periods of The Sisters of Jacopa. We can put you up at the convent, a local home or nearby hotel. We can help you make arrangements. Don’t miss this opportunity, no one else has presentations for widows like this. Is God calling you? We can be reached at 740-314-8455 or email; familyjacopa@yahoo.com May God bless you.—Kathleen Ann, FJ (Community Servant)
There is still time to reserve your attendance at the “Widow’s Walk” retreat in Steubenville, Ohio Aug. 12-14, 2014 to be held at the Motherhouse convent of The Family of Jacopa Association (Seculars and Sisters). 124 Buena Vista Blvd., Steubenville, OH 43952 Call: Sr. Kathleen Ann Marshall, FJ at 740-314-8455 or email: familyjacopa@yahoo.com Please check out our website familyjacopa.com/ and our Blog: familiajacopa.wordpress.com/ Dr. Ronda Chervin, PhD and Marti Armstrong are going to put on a great retreat!!!
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