A lot of women ask questions like this. Women (I am one!) love to talk about deep subjects and want their husbands to respond, share dreams for their lives, talk about plans for the future, discuss goals, map out a “life plan”, come up with a list of “Rule for Our Family” (E.g., Always kiss each other goodnight), make lists of things to do this weekend (get Christmas tree, go caroling with the Bible study group, watch It’s a Wonderful Life, etc.), and just chat about what’s happening in our souls and with our relationship with Jesus.
A lot of men say, “Yikes!” over all this chatter!
But studies have been done showing that most women crave at least twice the number of spoken “words” as most men. A man will come home from work and collapse into a chair and crave silence or quiet. A women will come home from work and want to sit down and have a long talk.
My husband and I were on a road trip this weekend, and we talked about all kinds of “deep” subjects, mostly brought up by me. We’ve been married almost 40 years, so he knows all about this and responds. No grunts from him!
If you haven’t done so, read through a (decent) romance novel (not one of the “torrid” romances with a sex scene on every other page). Even though some women will snort and insist that they don’t care for that sort of thing, many of us really do love romance and equate a romantic evening not necessarily with love-making, but instead, with lots of talk/conversation about the relationship and our future together over a candlelight dinner or for many, a glass of wine.
I think this is the way God made us. Many (not all) men are content to simply work and play, eat food, relax, and go to sleep, and never really go outside of their comfort zones and take some risks to try new things or tackle a new challenge. Often ,a woman will encourage a man she loves to “make a list and start working on it”. A good wife will not do this in a nagging way, belittling her husband, but rather will encourage him and praise his successes.