My wife and I were married in a protestant church in 1990. We have stayed protestant all this time. 2 years ago, she expressed a desire to convert to Catholicism. She is finishing RCIA now and plans to take first communion This Easter. My questions are many but specifically around what does our marriage become in the eyes of the Catholic church. I will remain protestant she will be a converted Catholic. This is our only marriage (no divorce or ex-spouses involved). So the questions I have are:
- Will our marriage be considered valid in the eyes of the church?
*Can she take communion and participate in all the ‘sacraments’ or in what ways will she be prohibited from participating in the ‘sacraments’
*What does seperated bretheren mean? I have an idea but would really like to hear it from someone on this forum
*What does that mean for our 4 kids (3 are adults, 1 is a high-schooler). The kids are all remaining protestant and are baptized believers in the protestant church